summary: kyuhyun's never had the strongest heart.
char/pair: kyuhyun-centric, hinted kyuhyun/yesung
genre: friendship, angst (slight romance)
rating: pg
a/n: sorry for the lapslock.
kpop_prompts 045: mask.
the hardest part of breathing is exhaling )
in my opinion, jongwoon is used when you really want to show a more realistic side of him (like when you want to show him off stage, not on it) and yesung is seen more as a facade? and this piece is more real than it is about hiding behind a mask, so you used 'jongwoon'? IDK, that's how i used to write it when i wrote.
i almost cried at the ending, and like 'kyuhyun wonders if there's such thing as love.' REALLY. i almost bawled my eyes out. it was perfect and angsty, and i love angst and it makes me think and omg, it was amazing. have i mentioned how much i love your fics? i'll make it a point to comment more.
this is what happens when i am in a mind-boggling state BECAUSE OF FANFICTION. i'm losing it.
yeah lol. recently i've felt so uncomfortable writing yesung as... 'yesung', really. idek how the members refer to each other, by their stage or their real name >_>;
sldkj OH NO DON'T CRY /throws tissues at you sdkljflkj you don't know how much this comment means to me ;~; thank you so much!!!♥♥
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