Little girls suck.

Oct 12, 2004 20:47

Seriously, I can't handle 13 year old girls any longer. If I see one more "I'm so emo" 13 year old girl, I may scream. I don't know, perhaps cheap attempts at being trendy come with the entrance into adolescence...but I know that when I was 13, I wasn't ridiculous like the 13 year old girls I have had the displeasure to encounter. Here is a neat little list as to why 13 year old girls suck...

  • They seriously sit home and wonder why 18 year old boys "like so totally don't want to date them"
  • They think that Avril Lavigne is the most hardcore thing since leather jackets
  • They think that emo is real music, and fight with you when ever you try to explain that its only 3 chords played over and over again
  • (Don't worry, this is the last one)They truly think that 13 is when you hit your peak of maturity and more importantly that they know everything because middle school has truly shown them the light.
Now, I'm not saying this applies to ALL 13 year old girls, I wouldn't want to be rude now (ha, to late), but come on, look around... The vast majority of them fall neatly into my nice little stereotype... Also, I'm not trying to say that because I'm a big bad 17 year old that I know everything, but at least I'm mature enough to realize that there is so much more out there to learn...ignorance must truly be bliss, eh girls?
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