Title: A Dream Worth Dreaming
Author: prettypsycho
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: Season 4 and 5
Warnings: Some angst, Shameless schmoop
Summary: Dean has a dream, not that he’d admit it.
Word count: 621
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, seriously if I was in charge this show would make ‘Queer as Folk’ look like ‘Sesame Street’. They all belong to Kripke and Co
Notes: Written for spn_30snapshots Table 4::Lovers Rock Prompt 29:: Future
A Dream Worth Dreaming
Dean Winchester is not an idiot. Sure he can do a good imitation of one if it suits his purpose, getting out of research being top of the list. Also he’d be the first to admit that he sometimes acts before thinking, which could be considered foolish by some, especially when those actions usually involve pissing off some seriously powerful beings on both sides of the battle between evil and the so called good guys. So foolish, yeah sure he’ll hold his hands up to that one, but an idiot he is most certainly not.
Only an idiot would believe that there could be a happy ending to the apocalyptic shit fest of his life. He knew better. There would be no happily ever after for him, no riding off into the sunset in his baby, Metallica blaring from her speakers, the road beneath her tyres, safe in the knowledge that the world was safe and those he cared for were alive and well.
The future Zachariah had revealed to him had shaken him more than he would ever admit to anyone and though he was determined that it would never come to pass, he could only hope that the decisions he made now, would change things. He had to believe that Lucifer had lied, that all roads did not lead to the same destination. Even if he did change things though, some things were impossible to undo.
He would always be a potential vessel for Michael, just as Sam would always be Lucifer’s choice number one. The closest thing he had to a father would still be in a wheel chair, the only angel willing to heal him without conditions, no longer able to do so. Then there was Castiel, the only comfort he had at that moment, so close to falling and yet refusing to hate Dean for his part in it.
Life had taught him not to hope for good things, to never allow himself to become comfortable or complacent. It was a lesson he had learnt well, learnt the hard way, through years of blood and torture, pain and loss. Yet sometimes late at night, when everything was quiet and Castiel lay peaceful and contented in his arms, his fingers tracing lazy patterns across the angels back he could not help but imagine a better future for them all.
He pictured a future in which they had destroyed Lucifer, had done so without either brother saying ‘yes’ to the angels who wished to use them. In which Bobby’s reward for his part saving the world was to be fully healed by the angels before they left. In his future Castiel always stays behind, human, but only temporarily. Their reward being the possibility of a life together, before an eternity in heaven where Castiel’s grace would be restored, and he would once more be the angel he deserved to still be.
They would have a real home to come back to between hunts, Sammy helping out when he could between his kick ass legal career and the family he deserved and Dean knew he secretly wanted. Hell sometimes they even had a dog. A real dog though, either a German shepherd or a Doberman, something that looked tough but was actually as soft as a puppy. Not one of those yappy little things chicks carried around in their purses.
A real life.
A happy ending.
He knew it would only ever be a dream, a fantasy. Dean Winchester was not an idiot after all. But in the quiet of the night, as he drifted into sleep, wrapped securely in the warmth and security of his angels arms, he couldn’t help but think that some dreams were worth dreaming.