let's see, what's going on...?

Nov 03, 2008 00:39

Well, I haven't gotten a car yet, though I did get approved for a loan.  I was so excited I didn't ask them what the monthly payments would be, or what the interest rate is.  Not my most smartest move, but frankly I'm shocked they approved me.  I have shitty, SHITTY credit, and lately my monthly expenses have exceeded my monthly income.  Which is bad.  But I've been trying to be more social and go out and maybe meet a boy, which is good!  But now I'm broke, which is bad.  Anywho, regarding the car, I've been looking online, trying to find the "right" car.  I'm sure there's a right one, you see, as opposed to the wrong one.  I'm so paranoid I'll buy the wrong one!  I really just want my mommy and daddy to take care of it.  But they keep insisting I be an adult, which I am just not comfortable doing.  Nosirreebob.  At any rate, I still have to come up with $2000 on my own, and the way I'm burning through money lately, that ain't happening.  Mom said she'd help, and Dad said he'd try, but I have to come up with some of it, and I don't see how that's going to happen, since I literally can't save anything.  Literally.

I've tweaked my schedule at work so I've got a few more hours per week, but I really think I need another job.  I mean, I'm still planning to quit sometime shortly after the New Year, because after February I'll have been there 2 and a half years, and I need to start doing something with my life and my skills and talents, and my current job is not cutting it.  So I need to figure out what I'm going to do when I do quit.  In the meantime, I need more income.  So I got in touch with a high school friend, who has her own pet-sitting/walking company.  But I need a car for that.  And I'm really quite seriously planning to get into the at-home adult toy selling biz...which I'll also need a car for...so basically, the only thing I can do at the moment is work as much as possible and sell some shit.  I need to take pics of what I'm selling and post them...of course my camera is a little breaky right now.  It works, but there's this thin blue line almost in the middle of all my pics, and you can see it on the digital display, and it is SO ANNOYING.  But whatever, you can see stuff, so I'll just take the pics and get the camera fixed later.

Roommate thinks I should apply to work at a clothing boutique or shop of some kind, at least for the holidays, as I really do enjoy putting people in clothes that look good on them.  I'm thinking about that, too...but that would involve more standing, and frankly, as fucked up as my feet are, that may not be a good idea.  The last 2 or so weeks have been fun, as I've had a BRAND NEW PAIN!! in my left foot, that was never there before.  Basically, when I put weight on the ball of my left foot, I feel stabbing pain in the top of said foot.  There was some swelling there for a bit, too.  So when I think of it I've been soaking it in super hot water and wrapping it in an ace bandage and taking ibuprofen...and actually it's been better today...the general consensus is it a tendon that's become irritated/pulled/annoyed, and it will probably go away on it's own.  Or it won't.  But it won't kill me.  And no, I haven't gone to the doctor, because I have no health insurance and doctors cost money and they'd probably just tell me it's a tendon and I should soak it and wrap it and take ibuprofen...OH! and stay off it and rest it as much as possible, which doesn't work at all, I have to stand at work.  So there's that.  But again, it was better today.  Sometimes it's hurt so much I wanted to cry.  But I didn't.  I did whine and whimper a lot, though...and limp, there was a lot of limping...

On the boy front, I had a small email exchange with that guy from 2 years ago.  First he told me how great I am and that he was sorry for bailing so suddenly and that he wished we'd spent more time together.  Then I asked why he was telling me now, after 2 years.  Then he told me he'd just moved overseas for school and some friends had expressed some things to him before he left which got him thinking about things he'd never said which led him to me.  So I vented all over him, that I was really pissed (mostly at the Universe, a little at him) that someone out there thinks I'm so great but couldn't be bothered to tell me until after 2 years AND moving to another country.  I also said it was kind of a pussy move, emailing me like that, from a safe distance and all.  And I said if he wanted to continue the conversation, I was game.  Then he wrote back and kind of explained his perspective and said he thought I would be glad he wasn't around and that my email made him have a "visceral reaction" and that he'd "read anything" I wrote, so I wrote him back and suggested perhaps we could pretend to get to know each other a little.  And now I haven't heard from him in almost a week.  So there's that.  Of course, the last time I wrote him, it took him almost a week to write back, but still, I'm annoyed.

Also, the host of the karaoke I've been going to every week for the last...month?  2 months?  Whatever, he seems to maybe have a little crush on me.  He's cute, but I'm not tripping over myself about him or anything.  For one thing, he's too short.  Why do only short guys dig me?!?  Why can't I have a nice, big, tall, strapping straight man with a killer sense of humor and awesome kissing skills go for me JUST ONCE?!?!  Fuck you, Universe, for giving all the tall men to the teeny ladies.  And fuck you, teeny ladies, stick with your own kind.

I've been reading the archives on dooce.com lately.  I started reading her blog a few months ago, but I decided to catch up with the old goings on.  And I realized the other day that a) Heather is brilliantly funny and b) so am I!  I should be a blogger!  Like, for rilly real!!  Except I don't know how to make a website...and I'm not married with an adorable child who's always saying and doing something adorable...and I'm not quite as crazy as she is, though I do try...at any rate, she has inspired me to write more.  Either here, where no one will read it, or on my own, where only I will read it, unless I get up the courage to publish or perform some of said writing which has not, as of yet, been written.

So that's what's going on for now.  Oh!  I got an awesome new haircut and an awesome new dye job and look pretty frakkin cute, if I do say so m'self.  I'm still planning to get at least one new tattoo by my birthday this year (54 days and counting!), and I'm still toying with the idea of going to Vegas or somewheres for said birthday...but that brings us back to the broke place I currently/always live in, so the former may happen but the latter?  Probably not so much.

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