Questions about "Supernatural"???

Oct 03, 2008 18:34

Okay, I'm taking a shot here. I know I have a very small, sad little flist, but I'm in need of a little help, and I know a few people out there are big Supernatural fans.

Can someone answer a few questions about SPN canon for me, or at least point me in the direction of someone or someplace that can? I'm working on a SPN story and I seriously need help.

1 - Does Lilith know where Bobby lives? Is the location of his house and salvage yard general knowledge among demons or has he somehow kept his location hidden?

2 - Could a demon get into Bobby's house? Does he have spells or booby traps that would prevent a demon from actually getting through the front door?

3 - Theoretically, would that ghost-proof panic room hold out demons as well?

These probably seem like no-brainers to those immersed in the fandom, but even though I've seen every episode, I'm fuzzy on details.

Thank you loads to anyone who can help me. ^_^


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