Nov 08, 2006 16:10
So I started physical therepy today. My therapist is really nice witch is a good thing considering she kind-of has to hurt me every time I go. I go twice a week and apparently theres alot more wrong with me than I thought. My right hip is slightly lowered. The left side of my pupic bone is raised, I have siatica (but I already knew that) and I have abnormal tissue in my butt and leg. I'm not so sure how I got that last one, but it's nothing you can see. I guess it has something to do with how I feel things in those areas, like on the left side of my thigh I have no sensation in the skin. So she showed me a few streches I can do untill I see her again, and where to but the hot and cold packs. I really hope it starts to pay off soon, cuz I'm sick of hurting all the time and working for a duchbag that dosn't give a danm.