your advice please...

May 29, 2007 14:34 I just figured it out... I won't have anyone to help me when I'm out of school. My grandparents will need help, my mother is insane and dad is awol. So, I counted out everything... I'm going to need $40,000/yr to w/utilities and bills (including school loans)... I wonder if I can get that with a master's degree. I might have to go and teach in an elementary or high school! I have no idea what to do.

Also, should I dream about getting a PhD when I have to work right away or should I just chill with a master's?

If I'm going to chill with a master's then I should get it in museum studies and art history...which will take an extra year. Man, I wish I could win the lottery...and then just pay off my loans and then I won't care.
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