Hello, people who are accidentally still watching my blog. I'm going to attempt to get back into Livejournal. It's almost entirely because of fandom. And how much I despise trying to be in fandom on tumblr. The inability to create an isolated fandom corner for myself there just results in me being mad at everything all the time.
Just for fun there's an angry rant about the Pretties/Uglies series (never read it) under the cut.
Specials (in which my disappointment in this series solidified into a sputtering rage. The whole thing could have been good but just so thoroughly failed. Charization. You're doing it wrong. How-We-Got-To-This-Dystopic-Future-Explanation; you're doing it wrong. (A gasoline virus?? Fucking seriously???) And. Eh. There was some other stuff. Like how the author was clearly against humans building into the wilderness but never actually managed to turn this into a coherent theme or point. I wouldn't be so pissed except that it was actually enjoyable to read. It just failed in every other way.
To elaborate the main characters have no defining characteristics other than the things that happen to them. The main character is a completely different person in each of the books. There's no character development. Her personality is just thrown out at the end of the every book. It's so frustrating.
Good times.