BSG: Episode five, hour six 'Torn'
Good episode. But it's the sixth hour and Roslin and Adama still haven't had a face to face conversation yet. ::grinds teeth:: On the other hand... Mary was right. I can't place it but there is an ease to their relationship that wasn't there before. Like maybe before when they were 'talkin' buisness' they were still a little unsure of where the other was coming from and carefully trying to retain the peace and tread lightly over touchy subjects and now they sorta... speak as one. It's not a 'finishing each other's sentences' sort of thing. But they suppliment one another's knowledge and lack of knowledge without question or apology. It's interesting. And only makes me want to see a one-on-one conversation all the more.
Despite the lack of Bill and Laura-age I have not enjoyed a BSG A Story this much in quite a long time. It was weird but I think I liked the 'repeating images' thing that was going on throughout. Like a dream sequence. And since Gaius -probably doesn't- have any sense of time and everything and everyone looks the same it works. Everything blends together.
Gaius killing the Six... that's gotta frak him up. Maybe even something similar to what Saul's going through over Ellen. He has a love for the Sixes and there's an affection there he has for them that's real and solid. I loved how he just shut down after he killed her. And she's really dead. That's the thing. That Six isn't coming back. Mortal death. Poor Gaius.
Caprica is such a child. The Six in his head is his mother giving him everything -including sex- and protection and a voice in his head that makes him face things he'd rather hide from and at the same time telling him he's special and deserving of life. Gaius needs a mother and Caprica wants a man. It's so very sad. Neither one can live up to the image of the other has built of them in their head.
I'm so glad they gave Sharon a new callsign. And if I had any doubt at all that the connection Laura and Sharon have is intentional it was safely put away tonight. Athena. Love it. The holy goddess of war. That is Laura. I can't wait to see where they take that ::glee:: Also... in the original BSG wasn't Athena Adama's daughter?
I like that most of Galactica has accepted Sharon but there's still a bit of racism in there. A few of the suggested call signs included the word 'toaster' and then there were the looks Tigh and Kara sent her and hubby.
Speaking of daughters. What Adama said to Kara. Wow. I mean. I cried. That hurt. That just really really hurt.
On Saul... it hurts more that his closest is full of Kate Vernon's actual wardrobe. Things we've seen her in.
Overall I really like how they've handled the one year jump. The suddenly changed up relationships are fun. A Saul and Kara who have a current of affection under their banter, a Laura and Bill who've patched up a part of their relationship I didn't even know was sketchy. The crew's changed opinion of Athena (score!). It works. And none of it is so outside of what we've seen of the characters before that the relationships feel weird. Even Saul and Kara. They've always been so much alike they've just gotten over whatever the hold up was.
Two final things:
-Laura not wearing a jacket? Awesome. She looks so much more comfortable on Galactica. Like 'this is mai house! and all y'all mai bitches!'
-Racetrack as Athena's ECO is very cool. The first time we saw Racetrack was right before Boomer shot Adama and here they are again two years later againist a Cylon baseship with Sharon spouting Cylon mumbo jumbo and Racetrack freakin' liek whoa. I heart callbacks.
This show has far from lost it's edge.