Essay for DMCI SAC elections

May 23, 2004 23:04

I was killing myself yesterday because I wasn't sure what to write for this essay. Shawn informed me that only Tristan reads the essays and he makes the candidates write it because he gets kicks out of it.

I clearly ask everyone reading this right now to read the following 800 words of pure, essential garbage and leave me feedback.


The position of Athletic Convener is ideal for me; high school is where I truly started getting interested in a variety of sports.

My plans for next year involve biweekly intramurals in a variety of easily trained sports, such as basketball, soccer, badminton, hockey, and volleyball. When the weather is approachable I plan to move the intramurals outside and include tennis and possibly flag football. These intramurals are expected to raise funds for the Don Mills Athletic Department and Student Activity Council.
My goal is to include all groups of DMCI students in these intramurals, not just skilled athletes in the senior grades.

Having been on a handful of Don Mills teams, I am a social person and am very approachable. Hopefully my mid-term average shows that I am a hard working individual who is capable of handling schoolwork as well as extra curriculars.

Having only written 145 words, I am out of points and examples to expand on, yet have 650 words to go. A fellow Athletic Convener contender has just advised me to bullshit my way through this essay, therefore, I will rant my way through the next 700 words because I have much to say.

Our current Student Activity Council, I think, has done an excellent job this year. The whole two school dances we had were so very exciting, although I am not quite sure if I can call the second dance a real dance. Nothing against our Social Convener, because she is a fellow rugby sister, but having spent our whole salary on homecoming, it’s understandable that our second dance is only counted as half a disco.
Our Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraiser and Arts Convener have made great impacts on our school, such great impacts that I don’t think I even remember who they are.
Our President and Vice-Presidents this year have been relatively good at staying attractive; I know that’s pretty much why all those losers who aren’t on SAC hang out in the SAC office.
Our Athletic Conveners this year have done such a great job of focusing Don Mills Collegiate on basketball and volleyball that I really feel as if the whole student body is included in our intramurals.
My hope for next year is that SAC actually does something for my last year of High School.

This year’s SAC elections should be interesting. As it is mostly juniors running, next year will most likely be completely run by seniors and the year will focus only on the seniors.
I can’t say whom to vote for President as the candidates are constantly changing. All I have to say is do not vote for Wenxin, because he’s an asshole. If worse comes to worse I think people should vote based on the candidates physical appeal. Who wants an ugly Student Council? The only position I am worried about is Treasurer. Two of my good friends are running and I would love to have them both on SAC. Would it be possible to get one of them to pull another stunt and demand a recount, therefore we could have Co-Treasurers?
Although I do not excel in all the sports I participate in, I believe I have great sportsmanship and motivation. During my sophomore year of high school I was in a competitive rowing program. This year fucked me over because now everyone thinks my only sport is rowing; yet if anyone knew shit about me they’d know I hate rowing and am now a rugby player (wing and fullback, although I am an ideal flanker). If I were to become Athletic Representative of Don Mills Collegiate, I really believe that I could make a difference in the school, not only expanding the selection of sports offered but welcoming students of all cultures and skill levels.

I also believe I should be on SAC just because I want to clean the fucking SAC office, I know many like it the way it is, but bottle of hand sanitizer and/or box of condoms wouldn’t kill. I really think a good duster and vacuum could do wonders.

With 100 words to go, I have too much to say, but want to end this essay stating something exceptionally important.
I think Tristan Ratchford is the cutest fucking thing in the world; his friend Little Ted is pretty hot too. Andy Turko should’ve won both 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 elections. Adam Rosenberg is hot sex. So is Daniel Park…
Anyways, Shawn Gore and I would make an awesome Athletic Convener team, not only have we had romantic history together, we’re both wings for rugby and we’re both just exceptionally cool.

Trust me, I’m not a shit. Even if I was still rowing, I don’t think I’d be stupid enough to incorporate that “sport” into Don Mills Collegiate.

I better win, I deserve it.

Sincerely, Li-Ann Yap

Don't hate, I love you all.
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