Apr 09, 2005 15:38
I am so frustrated. I want to do the splits so bad. Seriously...all Winterguard season I stretched everyday. Though I improved...I still cant do them. And I dont have the patience to wait. I am hoping that I can do them by the time Band Camp rolls around...but I really dont know if that will happen. I have tried everything: stretching constantly, taking epsom salt baths to relax my muscles, attempting the splits over and over, having my mom push me down, etc. But nothing has worked. And, as I have said, it is very frustrating. I know that it took Darcy 3 years to do them, but I am not willing to wait that long. I want to do them now! But since I havent really gotten anywhere, I basically stopped stretching and stopped attempting to do them after Winterguard ended. I really dont get it. All of the girls trying out to be cheerleaders in the 7th grade HAD to learn how do do the splits, and they all did, and it didnt take very long for them to learn. SO not fair. Gah..I am ranting! So yea...if anyone has any tips on getting them...plz PLEASE comment. I really want to do them (the side ones, not center) So yea. Comment on that. Seriously. I am Desperate.
Anywho, on a lighter note, Desperate Housewives is on tomorrow!!! And it is new!! And, Jack and Bobby, Mad TV and SNL are on tonight too. Woot. I really hate the Pistons. They cut off Reba, and What I Like About You last night. Not cool. The Spring Finale of Summerland is Monday. :( Hopefully that means they will be back in the summer since they said it is the Spring Finale and not the Season Finale. But Everwood will be back on so thats cool. I am really obsessed with TV.
>My mom is cleaning the windows and wants me to do the laundry. I dont want to so I am going to pretend that I didnt hear her. Heh.
*LiveJournal Maintenance*
>I really want all of my entry boxes to be smaller and moved to the right of the page like some people have them. And I maybe want to have some sort of picture in the back ground. I dont know yet about that. I know that you need some kind of code to do it and I searched for it on the Internet and LiveJournal and I cant find anything. So if anyone knows how to change that or the code can you please comment?
>Also, I really want to change what my comment bars say. Like on the bottom how it says "Comment" and "Leave A Comment"...I would like to change that too. So if anyone knows the code or knows how to change it can you please comment about that too?
>Thirdly, you know the hearts some people have in their LiveJournal titles?...Like not these hearts- <3, but they are literally hearts. If anyone knows the code to make those could you please comment on that too?
>Fourthly, I found some really cute LJ Icons some people made but they are .ART files. If you know a way to use them still please comment.
>Fifthly, another question on LJ pictures and Icons: You know how some people have all of these pictures, colorbars, and icons posted in their User Info? Well I was wondering how to do that. Since so many people have that kind of thing in their User Info it must be pretty easy...hopefully. So if anyone knows how, please comment since I have a TON of icons that I want to post. Heh. And some of them are animated. ;)
>Finally, if there is a LiveJournal page telling me all of these instructions on how to make all of these changes so I wont have to bug anybody in the future could you please comment and tell me?
>If anyone knows the dance steps to the "My Sharona" dance they play at Winterguard competitions please comment on that too. I searched MCGC but it just told the story of how the dance came to be.
>I just set up another AIM account since my other one was deleted but it never let me install the service so I have no way of logging onto AIM. So if anyone knows how to fix that please comment so I can have AIM again.
WOW...those were a lot of questions.
Commenting on these things would be greatly appreciated.
Or feel free to IM me...my SN is in my User Info. :)