Aug 25, 2004 16:54

oh gah. i've been meaning to write in this thing for the past couple of days, but i kept forgetting (obviously)... >.<"

damn. some people piss me off sooo freakin' bad. especially the one's who bash people who are pro-choice or non-christian!!!!!!!! shit, they piss me offfffff. i mean, if you don't like abortion or other religions, then don't have an abortion and get over the fact that other people actually DO have the right to have fucking abortions and different beliefs. just cause you don't like abortion doesn't mean that you need to go protest and try to have it illegalized. stupid ass people. and you know what i've noticed lately? christians are freakin' arrogant as hell. not all, mind you, but alot. they go around with their big-ass prissy noses in the air bashing other people's beliefs, then they turn around and complain about other people bashing christianity and god and all that shit. i mean, seriously. i have no respect what-so-ever for people like that. normally, i keep my personal (and very much the opposite of) oppinions about christianity to myself, since i want people to respect my oppinions and beliefs. but then they go and say shit about other religions being "inferior" to christianity, and that their religion is all-mighty and grand and blah blah blah and that you're going to hell for believing in what you belive in, which then makes me want to go and fucking burn bibles as a response.

you know what i think about christianity? it's all a huge load of shit. a myth and a legend.

see??? that's the same as what they do. bash people who have different beliefs or oppinions.
if you don't agree with someone, technically you DO have every right, as an american (freedom of speech...), to go and state your oppinion or objection of their acts or beliefs, and you even have the right to protest it. but that doesn't mean you SHOULD. it's non of anyone's damn business if you go and worship satan or nature or baddha. if they don't like it, tuff. they can get the fuck over it. you have the right to believe in whatever the hell you want. and isn't there a little something that is called "freedom of religion"??????????? in other words, all you bashing christians (or other religions) out there, people have the right to be Wiccan or Neo-Pagan or Agnostic. they even have the right, believe it or not, to be Satanists... :]

OMG!!!!!!! YES!!!!! this is actually a TRUE fact!!!! *Gasp!!!* that's why christians are allowed to meet and pray and prance around as they preach about what they believe. because of freedom of speech! and freedom! so next time you (if you bash other religions or other's beliefs) think about bashing someone for their being pro-choice or Wiccan or something to that effect, remember that most of them have enough respect to keep their oppinions about your religion to themselves; unless they're provoked into bashing your religion because you started a debate about it or something. so, to conclude this entry, arrogant christians fucking piss me off. and yeah, if you're an arrogant christian (or someone of some other religion who's arrogant) and you're reading this, i AM talking about YOU. :]

have a nice day everyone.

<3 munches (unless you're an arrogant person like i talked about)

p.s. if you're a (good, respectful) christian and you're offended by this entry, i am sorry. i didn't mean to directly point out christianity, it's just that the people i'm specifically talking about who bash me being pro-choice and of non-christian religion are christians. that's why i put "or of another religion" in perenthases (however you spell it) beside most of the parts where i put christianity/christians. so don't completely hate me, though i won't lose any sleep over the it if you do. i really couldn't care less... :]
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