Aug 22, 2012 18:30
Okay, for the most part, my hubby is so opposite of interested in my fics that it's not even funny. But just now, as he was getting ready for bed, I told him I was about to fake my way through describing combat training. And so he started spilling out a lot of stuff, and also contradicting some of the stuff I found online (and, frankly, I take his word on it since I know he used to be kind of wild and get into fights... hell, he got into a brawl with his then-boss who happened to also be his best friend Fat Hairy Bastard, just to win a day off work to come see me when we were first dating... plus not to mention the number of times I've heard from him and our lesbian biker friend on their machete fight which, sadly, the hubby lost. It's probably good I didn't know him at the time. That probably would have freaked me out a bit to see... and even more recently, he punched and stole the beer huggy of the guy that got another friend's 13-yr-old daughter high and then had sex with her, though after he threw the punch, the guy's friends got in a couple good hits before they got away from the scene).
So now I have all sorts of info for this next TWCC update! YAY FOR THE HUBBY AND HIS WILD BUT USEFUL YOUTH! It means there's an actual chance you guys will get a chapter update tonight and that the self defense training of Kame might actually approach realism despite the fact that I have absolutely no experience.
fic: miscellaneous,