Jan 16, 2015 23:51
Okay, I am really and truly undecided about something and I blame all of the asian music scene.
Why oh why oh why does a band have to have so many different ways of writing their name? I mean, I understand having a different name in each country you release songs in but then there's Tohoshinki.
THERE'S FIFTY GAJILLION WAYS TO WRITE THE NAME OF THAT BAND! Let's see... The band is called Tong Vfang Xien Qi which is abbreviated by TVXQ or sometimes something almost like that with an F near the V (see Kim Jaejoong's tattoo that I'm too lazy to look up right now). But that is a Chinese name and the band is Korean so they sometimes say it Dong Bang Shin Ki which is abbreviated DBSK. If you write the name in the actual Korean it's 동방신기. So, between the name, the Korean pronunciation of the name, the acronyms...
What the hell should I call this band for the purposes of file names? At least which folder it goes in is the same no matter what it's called because, hey, Korean. Well, I mean, their Japanese stuff will be in the T folder because there's too many Japanese vids in my collection to just have a Japanese folder...
I think I probably should go with the actual Korean 동방신기 but I don't read Korean so as my collection grows, it'll be hard to tell what's what at a glance. I mean, VIXX is VIXX and SHINee is SHINee instead of 샤이니, so romanizing it isn't unprecedented, but... Geez, it's like they're purposely fucking with the OCD in me. GAH!!!
In other, more relevant to people who aren't me type news, File 01 (out of 06) is more or less done so let me write the other five and the prologue and epilogue and then I'll have a fic set for you all! Though it will be very warning-heavy. Like... ridiculously huge amount of warning. But big thanks for the awesomeness of Desh who has been, well, awesome. But she usually is so I guess this doesn't come as a surprise or anything.