Well, I had both annoyance and awesomeness in my day today.
I didn't have to go to work (I've finally hit the "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I AGREED TO DO THIS" wall of not wanting to go to work anymore) because I had to go to the dentist to get my crown finally seated. I still had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn (read: near 4:30 in the morning) so I could take the hubby to work so I'd have the car. But I drove home and went back to bed as soon as I got home... around seven?
Anyway, the dental appointment was at 11:30 and I got there on time and all that, only to find that though the fit is apparently good, there's a gap between the crown and the tooth next to it which is a food-trap so they have to send it back and fix it to not be like that. So they stuck that temporary thing back in and said to come back a week from Tuesday. I was actually able to make the appointment for 4:30 on the 24th so I can do both work AND dentist (he said since the tooth had a root canal and has no feeling, and all they have to do is seat that crown, it should be quick enough that an appointment for so late in the afternoon is okay, though it means dropping the hubby off at home and going straight to the dentist after the hour-long drive back home from work... assuming I still have the job at that time, as I'm running out of stuff to do).
Overall, though, I'd have to say this was an awesome day though. See, the lady at the desk told me my crown was going to cost like $600 (rounding there) total out of pocket split into two payments. But when I went to pay the first one, it was like $700 something and I was told THAT was only half and that I'd have to shell out another $700. And because the estimates she gives me are usually WAAAAY lower than the actual cost turns out to be, I sort of expected my entire paycheck to go to this (minus the stuff I have to set aside for tax purposes). Only it turns out that it really did cost the approximate price she quoted and now the insurance has done their part and I actually have a CREDIT of over $100. In other words, THE DAMN THING IS COMPLETELY PAID FOR and I can put my first paycheck to other things like a new washing machine or to replace the chewed wires in the car that I'm surprised still work. Oh, and a new computer chair for the hubby (and I'll get the one he has now because he doesn't like it even though it's fairly new and I can finally throw this one in the garbage like it so richly deserves).
Anyways, that stuff aside, I worked a bit on TWCC today and got... oh, let's see... 28 more words. 28 gloriously smutty words. Seriously, I'm considering sort of glossing over the rest of the smut just so I can get the damn this posted. I hate that I have no real time to work on it now that, well, I'm working. Considering the subject matter, it's not like I can work on it on my lunch break at work. The non-smut parts are all already written for the most part. But, hey, 28 more words, up to a total of 3,057 words. And they're finally naked. I mean, fully naked. Kame was kinda partially naked already by that point but Jin was still fully clothed before these 28 words. So it's progress.
I don't know what I'll do. I'll try to work on it this weekend but if it gets to be Sunday night and it's not done, I'll gloss over the rest of the smut and post it anyway. Because I absolutely wanna get this thing up for you guys even if I have to kill everyone around me to get it done. (Note: I don't really kill people, even if I'm crazy. I figure you know this but if someone around me dies mysteriously, it wasn't me, honest!)