I'm at work! Ha ha! At lunch, actually, but it's not like I left or something.
Must... kill... 20 more minutes...
Okay, one week down. As it stands now, I'll be working next week as well though it turns out there's not quite as many to do as they thought (like 10,000 less) but that still leaves around 7,000 of them so hopefully that will at least get me another week or three.
I had to leave work yesterday early because the filling on my front tooth just kind of popped out entirely. It was not fun. It hurt a lot. I called the dentist and they got me in the same day but the other dentist had to re-fill it because my dentist wasn't working that day. I think I don't like the other dentist. It felt like he was trying to wrench my jaw completely out and even though all he did was to refill the filling (no drilling required), it feels like someone is sticking a fork into my gums and trying to scramble them. I wish I had something for that but I guess I'll just have to tough it out for another two and a bit hours. Then I'll be home with the magical bottle of pain meds I wish I'd brought with me (there's still half of the left from my root canal).
Still, hard to be in a bad mood because... ah ha! I'm at work!
Seriously, is it weird to still be excited about that? How long before the OMG WHY DID I AGREE TO DO THIS kicks in? Honestly, I expected it to kick in already. I've gone almost a week with very little music!! That's the definition of hell, isn't it? I swear, if you look it up in the dictionary, that's what it says. But I guess the excitement has me distracted enough to overlook it for a little while.
Oh, and I'll have the house to myself for the weekend so hopefully I'll find time to work on the TWCC update. It's already started and the last scene of it is written already as well. Plus I got the most awesome idea on the way to work this morning which involves the character you're going to see appear this chapter.
Okay, lunch is nearly over so must go.
Welp, I am up to 1,100 words on the TWCC update which is in the smut but before the really juicy bits and I'm having a bit of trouble with the dialogue but I'll make it through that bit and get to the good stuff tomorrow. *Someone* is being spectacularly uncooperative. *Someone Else* isn't helping matters. But the stuff at the very beginning that leads to the Akame smut awesomeness is pretty good. Just gotta get over this little rough spot in between the intro and the awesome bits. But I've been up since like 4:30 this morning and the caffeine is wearing off and I gotta crash.
This is gonna be so awesome, assuming Kame doesn't kill Jin when it's done. It's looking like he might LOL.
Well, making a long story short, I need some other kind of Go Juice. No more Dr. Pepper for me after this box is empty. I considered coffee but that's already proven problematic and not just because the bugs that the exterminators can't quite seem to get rid of... FOR MOST OF A YEAR... keep ruining coffee pots because I can't find one that snaps closed tightly enough to keep them out of the machine. I need something else I can drink that either has caffeine but not sugar or carbonation, or something else that gives energy that doesn't taste like total ass the way energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster (or whatever it's called) tend to. Or something that I can add to water to achieve the same effect. Something to wake my ass up in the morning. The hubby suggested tea which I'm not a big fan of but if I had some honest-to-goodness green tea that isn't the shit they sell in teabags by the boxful at the grocery store, that might work too. But I'd have to order that online and I don't know what to get. Advice, please?