Title: Outside The Line: Chapter One
Author: Denisha
prettyoddmissd Rating: Not very good with ratings, PG 13.
Pairing: Unknown... [for now]
POV: Ryan, first person
Summary: Ryan goes to summer camp.
Disclaimer: F-A-K-E. FAKE! F- Freaking not real! A- Are you fo' real for thinking this is real? K- Kay people, This is not real. E- Everyone this is not real!
Authors Notes: Comments and constructive criticism greatly appreciated
Prologue Very Important Note: So I made a mistake in the prologue, I mean to make Spencer one of the cabinmates, not Jon so to make is clear. Jon is the couselor and Spencer is the cabinmate.
Chapter One
We arrive at the camp in a few hours time, the car ride makes me sick, I feel like barfing. I was never a car ride person, I mean, who is? The tinted window prevented the murderous sun from entering the car and torturing me with it's terrible light and heat. I'm just hoping the lake is nice like it is on the brochure, the fucking pink and purple brochure. I'm hating the place already. The car stops and I fall forward into the chair in front of me [I'm in the backseat] and mother yells that we're here. I take the chance to get up and look out the window.
The lake is breath-taking, I have never seen a lake so clear and blue it's better than the picture on the brochure. The scent of the pine trees fills my nostrils when I step out of the car, I decide to wear sun glasses so that the sun doesn't blind me. As you can tell, I don't like the sun, I have never liked it, I consider myself to be a bat living in a cave. I like that idea but I don't like bats so that's a problem.
The camp is a little out of Vegas which isn't a great big deal, it's by a lake so I could drown myself if I get pissed off, or at least attempt to. People don't like me because I'm a so-called "depressed little emo freak." I never really let it get to me though, well sometimes.
"Ryan, this way," my mother tugged my arm and nodded her head towards a small-ish building. It is wooded, I don't like wooden things. I don't like alot of things actually, or maybe I don't like life in general. Yeah, that's it.
I fallow her into the building and found that there were many people in there already, more than I thought the place could hold. They were all gathered around a desk with a grouchy looking lady with a fake smile plastered on her face sitting behind it. My stomach lurched of having the thought of a grouchy old lady doing to activities with him.
"Can everyone fallow me?" a voice speaks from the back of the room. Everyone looks at the man who is bearded with a yellow shirt that read "Camp Cameron" on the front. I looked at his feet and I see that he is wearing manflops. Manflops for godsakes! Is he gay? Wait, I shouldn't be making fun of him, that's mean but oh well. I can be mean all I want! It's my head I'm thinking in!
"Are you coming?" mother asks, halfway out the door. Oh shit, everyone's already out there! I jog out there into the sun, damn sun, it's too hot!
"Okay, so welcome everyone to Camp Cameron," the man says cheerfully, "My name is Jon and this is..." he looked behind him as if he was expecting too see someone behind him but there was nobody, a few kids snicker and I roll my eyes.
"My partner is supposed to be here," he gave everyone a cheery smile then adds as he spots another man walking toward them, "Oh hey Brendon! Nice for you to join us."
"Sorry I'm late," the guy named Brendon approached them and I got a better look at him.
Oh my god.
"He's so hot," I mumble staring at the guy, making people around me look at me funny but as if I would care, the guy is breath taking. He has prefect dark brown hair and a perfect looking body, I need a close up!
"Hey everyone! My name is Brendon and I'm Jon's partner!" he smiles, oh a gorgeous smile. Other people didn't notice how beautiful his smile is but instead they laugh at him saying about him and Jon being "partners". How immature!
"No, I'm not saying I'm his partner but his like...buddy," Brendon blushes when he notices that people were laughing. The scratches his head nervously waiting for Jon to say something but all he says is "Yep.".
"Anyway, I would like to welcome you all and tell you if you had any questions we are here along with many other couselors!" Brendon chirps.
"We would like for you to come up here to the table and take your names and point you to your guys' cabins!" Jon beames at all the little people. Or well.. not so little people.
They all formed two long lines, one for Brendon and one for Jon, I make sure that I am in Brendon's line. A few people were in front of me blocking my way from the man-god. Damn people!
"Hey," Brendon smiled when I finally reached him. Oh my god, I'm squeeling in my head! It's not my fault he's so danm gorgeous! Look at those lips, look at those chocolate eyes, look at that hair, look at his smile. Once again or maybe a few times, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god he is so hot!
"Erm... are you there?" He asks, looking at me with a wierd look on his face.
"Yeah," I blush, oh my god, I'm such a retard!
"What's your name and phone number?" he asks. Oh my god he asked for my phone number.
"Wha-what?" I stutter, I must look like a retard since I earn another wierd look.
"Name and number," Brendon looks down at the papers on table.
"Oh, my name is Ryan Ross," I know I'm blushing like crazy, I can feel it!
"Number?" he looks like he's was getting annoyed. Shit!
"702-924-4836," I mumble, not looking at him.
"Thanks," he smiles, searching through the papers, "Your cabin number is fourteen!"
"Okay," I mutter attempting to walk away but he grabbed my wrist to stop me. I look at him in alarm and gulp, "What?"
"You forgot your key," he sends me a grin before adding, "And kid, stop being so tense, were not that bad!"
"Right," I roll my eyes at the beautiful man.
"It will be fine," he winks at me before I turn away. My face was burning and I felt millions of fluttering butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
The walk to my cabin wasn't pleasant nor was it not pleasant. It was only the sun, the horrible sun that was burning into his skin. The sun, OHMIGOD. Yes, I just yelled oh my god in my head, I seem to do that alot these days. Why am I freaking out over some guy that I just met? Calm down Ryan, calm down. Oh shit I'm breathing too fast. RYAH FUCKING CALM DOWN. Okay, I'm calmed down.
"Are you okay?" my mother glanced at me.
"Yeah why, what makes you think that I'm not okay?" I say quickly.
"You're sweating like crazy." Oh Jesus, am I?
"I hate the sun," I mumble my lame excuse.
"Okay Honey, here we are," we stop at a small cabin.
"Oh," I stare up at the cabin, readjusting my glasses.
"I'll see you in a month, be sure to write!" she pinches my cheek and kisses me.
"Mom," I groan, "Just go!"
"Okay Ryan," she kisses me again before running off. How freaking embarassing!
"Get any redder and I think your head will bust," somebody spoke from behind me, making me jump frantically.
"Holy shit!" I pant, clutching my chest as I swung around to face the one and only man-god.
"Watch your language!" he points a finger at me.
"Sorry," I mumble trying not to stare but it is so goddamn hard!
"It's fine," he reassures me.
"So..." I mumble trying to make a convrorsation.
"Oh, I just have to walk around to see if everyone's doing okay," he smiles, "It's part of my job."
"Oh, well I'm doing fine," I tell him.
"Okay," he smiles and waves goodbye. He walks away, leaving me in awe. How could someone be so...hot!?
"Gabe wait up!" Someone yells as someone else pushes me aside to get into the cabin. The man that pushed him aside is fairly good looking and is wearing a purple hoodie and the other guy that is running after him long-ish hair and has a bit of a beard.
"No!" the guy I'm guessing is named Gabe yells from inside the cabin.
The other boy groaned as he hurries into the cabin, an odd feeling comes to the bottom of my stomach. I really don't want to go into the cabin now, I sigh.
"Are you one of cabinmates?" a tall, thin and lanky boy spoke beside me. I jumped, how the hell did he get there without me knowing?
"Erm.." I stutter, "I guess."
"Okay, come on then!" the guy pulls me with him to the cabin.
"Hey other cabinmates!" the two guys wave at them.
"Hey!" the tall skinny guy smiles.
"What's your peoples names?" talk about bad grammar.
"William," the tall boy says.
"Ryan," I mumble, setting my bag on one of the bunk beds. I hate bunk beds!. I get the bottom though.
"I'm Spencer and this is Gabe," the guy that is growing a beard introduces himself and the guy in the purple sweater.
"What's up?" William says casually, settting his bag on the top bunk.
"As you can see, the ceiling," Gabe remarks pointing up at the ceiling.
"Right," Spencer says.
"I'm off to go for a walk," I mutter, I am not going to befriend these people and that's for sure!
A/N. I don't have any notes :| I'm so lame