this week---LAST WEEK OF JUNIOR YEAR---i will have no problem saying goodbye becuase its been a bitch
Sunday- shopped with my mom all day, went to dinner with the family and
out with michael and josh to coffee (i was sexually harassed and PMS'd
at them--it was fun)
monday--reviewed and had a party in my english class :)---
tuesday- 5th hour final--picking buckthorn in the nature preserve with erika sallen was---interesting---school as usual
Wednesday---spanish final FAILED---weiss final DID REALLY WELL
went to lunch with erica, erin, molly, ariel, missy and zac--it was a
party!--->coffee with michael :) and dinner and studying
this week cant go by any slower dude!!!
Friday i go to exec weekend :) so excited
o yaa in choir were recording music :) im recording ordinary day by
vanessa carlton by myself (playing the piano and singing) and im
recording who's to say also by vanessa carlton with my bestest friend
Katie!!!!!---its gunna be sweet---comment if you want the cd :)---i
plan to write my own music and record it when i get back to school next
so officially 6 hours until im a senior and its gunna be awesome!!! im very excited
im not so excited to be leaving in 14 days for spain--its too soon and im gunna miss all of my friends like woah :(
until then it will be a partay!!!
sometimes i just wish i could be somebody that im not :-/
<3 Lauren <3
erica, ariel and me
Erica, Erin, Me and Missy
Zac, Ariel and Erica---dude theyre crazy
me and my awesome sunglasses :)
Neilly and I----best friends forever and a really cute picture
thats all folks---hope they turned out--if not check out my picture page