Jul 27, 2004 00:49
My name is: Angie
I may seem: retarded at times
But I'm really: retarded haha
Sometimes I feel: Ummmmmm you have to give me a situation that's too ambiguous
In the morning I: sleep
I like to sleep: a lot, haha um well I like nighttime so I stay up
If I could be doing anything right now I: would be singing/writing some new songs or being with some of my amazing friends!!
One thing I wish I had is: all the answers...to always be able to know why things happen but I guess that would change why they happen in the first place so maybe just peace in all aspects of life....
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: man I thought this thing would be simple....umm I don't know there are always the little things like car troubles and the big things like relationship issues but challenges come with life and I accept that, plus it makes the end result so much more worth it.
All I need is: God
If I had one wish it would be: world peace...haha I sound like I'm in a pageant, no um hmmm that everyone would just accept everyone else for who they are and be understanding
Love: takes time to get there, for me at least but when it happens and the other person feels the same way, there is nothing that compares
First best friend: Megean from Montessori school, don't remember her last name, but we used to get cookies from McDonalds after ballet class every week...it was super cute
First car: Mazda 626, still got it, as of September I will be getting something different tho and I'm excited!
First real date: Wow, if you mean the whole..guy picks you up and you actually go out somewhere and do something and then drops you off with the first goodnight kiss....yea that never happened haha, but that's the stereotype, otherwise I don't remember
First real kiss: There is one I like to forget about haha, I think only one person reading this would know, so I block it out and so I count Matt Phillips, 9th grade ....I know everyone else got theirs in kindergarten but I take my time...
First break-up: lost a best friend for a while bc thats all I wanted to be
First screen name: AngTxChick
First self purchased album: there is no way I would remember that
First funeral: My Grama Sprague
First pets: Crystal she was a stray we took in for a while, no maybe it was the hampster that nearly bit off my finger!!!! He was mean, so he didn't last long...coulda been fish too...It's a blurr
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: got my first debit card last year if that counts
First true love: love...Matt....True love....Haven't found him yet
First enemy: can't remember any
First musician you remember hearing in your house: I grew up around music so it could have been anyone, there was classical music playing when I was born but I don't know who it was
Last cigarette: Ick...cancer sticks
Last car ride: I drove myself to Hastings about 3 hours ago
Last kiss: Whoa, um...guess I can't tell
Last good cry: last night
Last library book checked out: hahahahaha, I'm surprised I remember where the library is
Last movie seen: Something's Gotta Give
Last beverage drank: Coke...I really don't like it, but it was there and it has a funni aftertaste...I know I'm weird
Last food consumed: Chicken something with noodles
Last crush: I don't really do the whole crush thing...either I like someone or I don't and anyone who should know about the last one of those already does...I'll leave it at that
Last phone call: Brandon Mergard who is sooooooo awesome..thank you so much for being my support and really knowing me for me and caring and I LOVE YOU
Last time showered: haha I got a late start this morning/afternoon...
Last shoes worn: Docs w/the heart on em
Last cd played: long time since CD but song...All Hands On Deck
Last item bought: movie ticket? NO HOT DOG...I've had better
Last annoyance: getting pictures back that I don't like at all and the place being closed when I called!
Last disappointment: The notebook wasn't playing at Tinseltown after 4:30 and before 5....hey I'm on a strict schedule
Last time wanting to die: Never wished that
Last time scolded: around 8ish....my mom says my room is a disgrace...I agree
Last shirt worn: a purple one?
Last website visited: the one Brandon gave me for a book
Last word you said: bye
Last song you sang: Your Heart Will Always Be My Home ~ Rachael Lampa
Current mood: indifferent I suppose
Current music: Kutless
Current taste: um I'm not eating anything so nothing?
Current hair: it's up?
Current clothes: tank top and cheer shorts (my PJs)
Current favorite artist: too many
Current color of toenails: pink
Current time: 1:36 AM
Current hate: I don't hate
Put stars next to those that apply or change the end or "do" to "do not"
01. I have a cell phone*****
02. I'm obsessed with music
03. I'm the only child.
04. I am a girl? haha
05. I love friends/family/God
06. I am a virgo
07. I hate beer it tastes bad
09. I can't live without chapstick
10. I can't live without God/music/friends
11. I lived Arizona
12. I spend money on clothes/going out/music
13. I'll be in college forever*****prolly, or it will seem like it
14. I've seen Incubus in concert
15. I get annoyed sometimes
16. I eventually want kids. *****I may adopt
18. I have more then a couple of horrible memories.*****
19. I am addicted to hmm I dunno
20. I am a person.*****
21. My first kiss was when I was 15.
22. I start school in August
23. I love taking pictures.*****
24. I hate girls who are fake.*****
25. Its hard for me to be mean or stay mad
26. My dreams are strange sometimes
27. One of my close friends is Katherine
28. I have way too many shoes?
29. I've seen Ever After and The Sound Of Music and Oklahoma at least 45 times.
30. I usually dress in clothes?
31. I love 'Sex and the City'.*****
32. Sometimes I cry when I get hurt
33. I don't hate when people are late cuz I usually am too haha
34. I procrastinate.*****
35. I love summer
36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.*****
37. I love to sleep.*****
38. I wish I were prettier?
39. I'm not afraid of flying.
40. I think drama is annoying sometimes
41. I am addicted to ...I don't know
42. I sometimes fight with my parents.
44. I love the beach.*****
45. I have had the chicken pox.
46. I'm excited for the future. but kind of scared too.*****
47. I can usually control my emotions.
48. I can't wait till Graduation
49. I love the show Everybody Loves Raymond and I don't know why
50. I love my friends.*****
51. Valentines Day is my favorite holiday.
52. I can be insecure at times
53. I have never broken a bone.*****
54. I hate racist people.*****dislike
55. I hate my computer*sometimes
56. I love guys that play the guitar.*****
57. I state the obvious.*****
58. I'm a happy person. *****99% of the time
59. I love to dance. *****at times
61. I hate cleaning my room.*****
62. I tend to get jealous easily.***** sometimes
63. I love cute underwear.*****
64. I love ...I already answered this
65. I cry when I see animals getting hurt/abused.*****it bothers me but I don't cry
66. I want to go to Greece.*****
67. I don't like to study for tests.*****
68. I don't love Golf.
69. I am too forgiving.*****
70. I have a horrible sense of direction.*****
71. I sometimes love high school.
72. I have a talent of sweet-talking my way out of things.*****haha
73. I'm a daddy's girl.*****
74. I love kisses on the forehead.***** they mean more sometimes
75. I love the color pink.*****
76. I love to sing
77. I have dark brown eyes.
78. I love ...once again I already answered this
79. I was in Cheerleading/dance/gymnastics
80. I become stressed easily*****sometimes
82. I don't like comfy sweatpants.
83. Paul Walker is not my dream guy....he's cute but not my dream guy
84. I love the smell rain*****
85. I love my family.*****
86. I hate needles.*****
87. I am a perfectionist.*****
88. I always wanted to learn to play the drums.*****
90. I am still a virgin. *****
91. I would love to have my own fashion line.*****sure why not
92. I can be quite goofy at times
93. I still act like a little kid.*****haha
94. I despise dishonesty.*****
95. I love pictures.*****
96. I love music.*****
97. I wish I were more motivated when it comes to school.*****
98. I love getting stuff in the mail.*****
99. I have problems letting go of people.*****
100. I hate the feeling of being alone.*****
101. I am scared of the dark.*****sometimes when I don't know where I am or whats around me