Not So Bad

Jun 15, 2004 04:40

2 days till California!!! So exciting...but I'm gonna miss being around here I'm sure, mostly just talkin to people...I'll only be able to use email, not aim sooooooo if you get bored or miss me... and I'll tell you about all the fun Kat and I are having and how much I love you for emailing me!

Brandon came by work today, that was a fun surprise...and we hung out and he was a goof ball and we had a good little talk too...he's a kewl kid I think I'll keep him ;) No really... I luv U! I also had an eye opening conversation with Michael today...he's a pretty awesome guy too, and made me see things differently. And of course I talked to Kat about it who is like my right brain (and I'm sure we will talk more since we have two weeks to spend in CALI!). I've listened to what a lot of people have had to say and taken what I can from it and all the pieces fit, or they will soon. Life is good though I'm so grateful to have so many friends that I can depend on and that care even when you don't even realize it. So thank you.

God is doing really great things in my life right now.

Ok so maybe this is gonna turn into a corny entry...and the last ones have been depressing so yea nobody is gonna wanna read this anymore but TUFF! But you know you think about the world and you think yuck, there is so much stuff that is just no good, sex, violence, terrorist, mean people, disasters, etc. But I realized today that there is more than just that, I mean everyone knows there are good things but they just seem too often so few and far between but really sometimes all you have to do is look around and a complete stranger will offer you help or advice and approach you with kindness for no reason at all except for the fact that it is a good thing to do. I want my whole life to be like that, I never wanna think that I turned anyone away even for the slightest thing... like smiling at the old man at the grocery store who looks depressed and sad. Even if 99% of the time it doesn't matter to anyone there is always someone who needs it.
...ok short story time.... a few months ago I was at work and a guy came in, he was fairly young prolly early 30s and he just looked completely stressed out, he just radiated worry. So I took his order and I was ringing him up and I started talking to him and asking how his day way etc. and he told me that he had to make a really huge decision soon about whether he was gonna move or not and it could change his whole life around...I didn't know the details of course and I wasn't gonna pry but I just talked to him for a few minutes and then told him that sometimes you just have to take a chance and go where life leads you, and change can be a good thing. He just causally smiled and I said have a nice day and went on with my business as he walked out...I never gave the conversation a second thought until about a month later he came in again and I knew he looked familiar but nothing clicked and he was sitting and eating with a little girl...well after they were done eating he came up to me at the register and said "Can I get change for a dollar"...its not an uncommon thing for people to do b/c we have gum ball machines and things like that at work that you need quarters I gave him his change and he stops and looks at me and goes "Change is good right?" and of course stupid me I just said "Yea", then it clicked who he was and I asked "So how did everything work out for you?" "Best thing I ever did," he said, "and thank you, you helped a lot" Then he left and I haven't seen him since. That may not mean anything to anyone else but just knowing that something simple I said may have helped someone get through the day easier makes me smile and I just wanna do it all the time....ok end of corny story.

....oh speaking of work, I got written up today!!!! Grrrr..I suppose I deserve it tho, I skipped work to go to Church on Sunday and also cuz I just didn't wanna go and I asked my mom to call me in since they don't open till 11 and I would be at church then...and I asked her to call early....well that didn't happen, she called 20 minutes before my shift and ur supposed to call 2 hours before! This is my second warning :/ oopsies...not entirely my fault but I guess I just gotta do it myself next time.....but of all things to skip, at least I wasn't running off to meet some guy secretly or do drugs or yea you get the point. Thats a big OH for me.

I'm learning guitar! I started learning with Tyler a while ago but haven't done much with it since till Nick came over and drilled keys into my head and fingers which hurt! He's pretty talented tho... props.

hmmmmmm....Today was Travis O'learys (spelling?) B-day and Molly made him a lumpy cake LOL, don't know if she wanted that public or not but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVIS...he's 19 today, that's old! You guys are cute together and you seem to make each other super happy so that's awesome...just keep it clean kids.

Well since it's 5:20 now and this entry is getting a little to long I'll end with this....

Place me like a seal on your heart
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away

(anyone remember that?)
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