Aug 19, 2004 14:03
HEy happy kids!
well latley ive been kinda bussy ..kinda not lol!
tuesday night i went to cheering, then out with lindsey ben curle and brad collins. we saw the village..wOAh..that movie scared me lol im sucha wuss lol, but we had a really good time. i will be very sad when they go to college tommrow and saturday =(
Yesterday we went to wal mart and ukrops and then i had cheering.
today ive been chillen here. i watched the movie taking lives. it was really good =) kinda gross theres a naughty sceene in it too haha!
i watched the prince and me last night i didnt pay alot of attention to it though, random distractions through out the i must watch it again later.
so im very excited about school. its like next 2 weeks. its comming fast. and i dont know how weird this yearw ill be, just because last years graduating class was like awesome. they had awesome people in it, and im sad b.c i really didnt begin to get to know alot of them until now, and they are all going off to college in a few days. so im sad taht i wont get to see them in the halls or anything. itll be tough. and then soon ill be a senior and then i wont be at gooch any more. SCARRY shit. im REALLy gonna miss Paul, BraD, Ben, Buzzy,Aaron ..ive became close to alot of the itll be sad. so guys im gonna miss you all and best of luck this year =) U ALL MUST GO TO HOMECOMMING lol.
okay. plans for the weekend:
friday- linz is chillen here till 3 then i have to go to WoRK IckY!
Saturday- Going to see without a paddle with my family and GRANDMA haha that will be funn =) then to lunch at apple bees..then to work. blah again.
Sunday- no plans yet. perhaps work. if not work. hopefully bowling with L dogg and frineds..haha gotta love our summer dates. haha!
me and lindsey were talking last night. and we were remembering like when we were 15 or 14 how we used to complain and dream about being 16 and being able to go out on real dates and drive. and now we can do it all. and the dreamin is sorta over . and its sad. b.c like driving is cool, but scarry as crap. and then dating..woah. its alot of fun to go out with different guys and meet other guys ..its fun. i love b eing able to but still. its sad to know that everything that you dreamed of as a child is all about to hit me at once this year and next. and im acutally scared. i remember when i was little i used to think about whati would look like when i was 16 and how i would i was a dreamer haha.
but anyways. i am so tired. cheering will make me even more tired lol..we got our uniforms and shoes. very cute skirt is a tad bit short upon my rear end haha. but oh well! im acutally looking foward to running today..haha. im gettin used to running 2 laps every day and doing 60 cheer- jumping jacks. excrcise is a good thing.
well boys and girls. im off ..gonna go get some OJ! and call LDOG! haha