Your fate will resemble Aragorn's. You have
struggled with inner demons for a long time.
Whether it was a big issue or not, you fought
to find the place where you belong. But now
you have and everything is as it should be. If
it isn't, don't worry because it will all fall
into place in the end. Your most prized
emotions are strength, determination, and love.
You may have already found your soulmate and
congratulations if this is true. If not, you
will. There is one person out there who will
love you as much as you love them and the two
of you will live happily ever after in your own
version of a fairy-tale. You are probably
strong-willed and are a natural
born leader. People that know you look up to you
whther you know it or not. You don't like to
let anyone down. These quotes are for you.
Everything is ok in the end, if it isn't ok it
isn't the end. -Anonymous- The greatest thing
you will ever learn is just to love, and to be
loved in return. -Anonymous- Some people say
they haven't yet found themselves. But the
self is not something one finds; it is
something one creates.-Thomas Szasz-
What Will Be Your Fate? (for any LOTR fans) brought to you by