(no subject)

Oct 01, 2009 14:21

Do you ever feel like you just want to cry but cry in someone's arms. Someone holding you while you cry and cry. I felt like that yesterday. So i cried in my car. It was warmish in my car so it kind of felt like someone was holding me(not really). I felt a lot better after i did that.

Now my head hurts. BAD. I dont know if its because i hit my head or because i cried and i'm tired. Maybe i'm just really tired and its a tension headache. I've never had a concussion, what does it feel like? I've learned all about them i've just never experienced it.

So i had to sell my ACL ticket. :(
No no, i didnt have to sell it, i chose to. I didnt want to at first, but i'm a big baby and i didnt want to go alone. So erika told me to sell it and buy something that i wanted. I was going to ignore that advice, as i usually do,  but my mom told me that i better not put it in my bank account and use it for something i want and actually buy myself something that is worth more than 30 dollars. So i decdied i'm going to buy a phone. I am actually going to have a cool new technogically advanced item. Cool, huh? THANKS MOM and Erika! :)

I've been swimming and running and doing yoga. And trying not to binge eat anymore. I think its been working this week lets hope for another. One week at a time. :) I sure do feel a lot healthier.

mmmm and thats it.
Oh and i love my friends and my family and erika. :)
And i really really really miss robert. I hope he is doing well. I miss him so so so so much. I want to visit him in Arizona. Road trip anyone? :)

Woo! Go Invisible Children! :)
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