Feb 27, 2005 22:19
falling into the lj/xanga trend. but yea i'm horrible at checkin comments tho...so God knows whe you'll get a response...
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you should post this message in your journal and answer the questions that are asked of you.
and i'm strealin most of this list from justine. cus yesterday was jus too awesome.
- secret lives [gotta love the cousinness]
- bubble gum contest [[ popppp!!! ]]
- forest gump
- gameland
- checkers
- DORA !!
- guacamole ( sp?) chips
- gamecube
- cheesecake reservations
- plug and play games ! yay
- kareoke