(no subject)

Mar 09, 2003 21:44

Guess what, everyone....I'm giving up the internet for Lent...so that means no checking friends pages or commenting for the next 36 days (ok, so Lent started last Wednesday, but I didn't know that!) I'll be back during Easter, so PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ME OFF YOUR FRIENDS LIST....I SHALL RETURN!
I d/led a client just so that i could update this thing without going online....

I have a big fat chemistry test tomorrow. Blah....I don't even understand the chapter. How do you name alcohols and stuff????? Dude, I haven't even finished the homework...I'm such a slacker, haha. But seriously, I don't get the hybrid orbitals and nomenclature. Ugggghhhh....

It is freezing cold now. What's with Taiwan's weather????? And...MURPHY'S LAW AGAIN.....as soon as the swimming unit of Lifeguard Training comes, A COLD FRONT PASSES THROUGH THE ISLAND.....what...the...heck!!!! It was boiling just last week! I mean, last Saturday I got a SUNBURN....I WAS WEARING A TANK TOP, CAPRIS, AND SANDALS....and now i'm back to double-layered clothing. arrrgh! I don't wanna swim tomorrow! Not only will I freeze, but I'm gonna humiliate myself again....man, Lifeguard Training should be renamed Humility Training. I'm THE WORST PERSON IN THAT CLASS! Dude, I swim slow and awkwardly, I can't even pick up a brick from the ten-feet....WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???? I USED TO BE ABLE TO SWIM LOTS OF LAPS NONSTOP! And now...I hafta rest after HALF A LAP....I'm just out of practice I guess....the last time I swam was during our class party in September...well, that didn't count, cuz i was mostly just hanging on the side of the pool with Hanna and watching the guys jump of the diving board. So the last time I actually swam LAPS was....um....3 SUMMERS AGO! I'M SERIOUS! Last summer I didn't go to the pool at all, the summer before that we were in the Philippines and the only swimming i did was snorkeling in the warm waters of Palawan (which is FAR from tiring), and the summer before that was when we stayed in Taiwan and my mom MADE me swim laps...sooooooo the last time i REALLY swam was in like....7th or 8th grade. How pathetic! hahhahahah! Oh man, I'm gonna suffer big-time in this class....and well, I was pretty bad in Moore and Anderson's classes last year, but AT LEAST those took place on dry land and I had Angelica to keep me company....now I'm in a class full of sporty people. Grrrrrrrreeeeaattt!

We went to Costco in Neihu last Friday and bought A TON of yummy food....man how i've missed American Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Corn Nuts, bagels, muffins, fruit by the foot.....Taiwan is so deprived....when we go to the states this summer, I'm gonna have a hayride....eating Taco Bell (for the first time....), going to Dairy Queen, and well....EATING.....and I also wanna eat Twinkies, which i haven't eaten since FIRST GRADE...i think....! I'll indulge on GOOD McFlurries, Krispy Kreme Donuts, Mars Bars, Butterfingers (my fave, hehe), 5th Avenue.....all of that yummy food. Of course, I'll miss Taiwan's fluffy yet sticky rice (which can't be beaten), neu ro mien, NAI CHAS....*sigh*....I really want summer vacation....and OOOH! i get to see Miriam in California! coool!!!!! i haven't seen her for THE LONGEST TIME....*sniff*....oh, and i get to meet my cousins in Cali, too....and my great-aunt and her daughter and ALL THESE PPL! WHEE! I'm not really a people-person, but i do enjoy a change in environment....

Dude...i don't feel like having school tomorrow...i'm totally in a home mood right now. I liked school better during first semester cuz i had a WAY BETTER SCHEDULE and better people in my classes....I miss Daniel and Health class. Moore's classes are so easy, and my friends were in those classes. Now, instead of those, i have...Lifeguard Training (full of sporty frosh) and Spiritual Warfare (errrr). I used to have THE BEST schedule for block wednesday....Block Daniel, Health, Orch/Chorale, and Yearbook. Wednesdays were the best...though it was kind of weird having two blocks of moore's classes in a row. Oh well, it was easy....during Block Health, he'd be so tired from teaching Block Daniel that we wouldn't do anything in block health....plus, Pine Cone was in those classes, hehe ....oh SUCK if forgot that he's probably reading this right now....hahahahaha!

I love John Mayer's songs. They have the most random lyrics...like in the song "83" he suddenly sings "Whatever happened to, whatever happened to, whatever happened to my lunchbox." Plus, he has a sexy voice.

Today "The War" was showing on HBO...even though Elijah Wood stars in that movie, i never can finish watching it, probably because 1) he's only 12 in it 2) it's one of those "i remember back when i was a little boy, i lived on a ranch" kind of movies, which i get tired of 3) he has like no hair in it and 3) Kevin Costner is also in that movie :P.

Well, that's enough slacking off....back to CHEMISTRY, BLAH!
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