(no subject)

May 28, 2010 16:51

Hi! I'm Sue, 27 currently living in Raleigh NC. This is about my sixth day! On this day I am visiting my parents in NY and participating in the Commencement Ceremony at the college I attended. I officially graduated in December, but this year they only had one commencement for all the semesters. Enjoy the day!

6:30 am is WAY too early to be up on a Sunday morning!

I shuffle into the kitchen and see my mom and sister are already awake having some breakfast.

Here is some wonderful bed head for you when I head to the bathroom. I showered the night before so I wouldn't have to do it in the morning since there were 7 of us that had to get ready in the morning.

I head to the bathroom

I come back downstairs and find grandma 1/2 asleep at the counter

Get a few things ready for the party before we leave for graduation.

This is my ticket so that I can participate in the cermony

I fill it out so that they know my name since the graduates are seated by major not by name

Watch the weather channel and check on the important internet things...like facebook

I peak in the living room as I head upstairs to get dressed and find my hubby taking a nap on the couch

brush my teeth and do my hair (not pictured)

All ready to go!

We say we are leaving then alot of this happens... we get out of the house 10 minutes later

in the car on the way to the college + time check 8:32 After this there is a bit of a gap. I forgot to take a pic of us arriving at school then I handed the camera off to the hubby to take pics of the ceremony. So you guys get spared the craziness that was lining up for the procession.

Shaking the hand of the College president and getting my photo taken

Back in the car to head home and PAAAAAAAAAARTY! Sneaky time check 12:50

We get home and get something to drink. My awesome sis is telling us what still needs to be done before people arrive. We only get 4 tix to graduation so she and my other sis stayed home to get stuff ready while my parents, husband, grandma and I were at graduation

We munch on these cause we are all starving since we missed breakfast

My sister is taking a rest after setting everything up. She's 4 months preggo and not getting much sleep so she was running low on energy

I change into flip flops and people insist on taking pictures so we start posing. We get through one photo then grandma needs to change film (she doesn't have a computer so she won't buy a digital even though she could take the memory card to walmart but anyways...)

My other sister beings her puppy out and ties her up on the porch so she can visit with all the people

Picture time resumes. My parents and I pose

Then I pose with my sisters.

Wearing my cap and gown was making me ridiculously hot so I take it off and use my cap as decoration in the middle of the food table

Just about everyone arrives and we all move to the front porch since it is covered it's much cooler then the open porch int he back of the house.

My grandma and I are really close so I chat with her for a while until my hubby makes us smile for a picture

Then everyone wants me to open my presents so I do

then it's time for some food!

My best friend had to work but she finally arrives! Not pictured the hugs and screams when she first got there. I hadn't seen her since I moved in January so I was super excited!

Everyone leaves around 7ish and the hubby feels that means it's time for another nap.

My dad puts on the TV

I go and get ready for bed because we had to leave early the next morning to head back to NC.

Do a quick check of the internet

Make up the sleeper sofa

Watch the season finale of Fringe then fall off to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed my day!

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