
Jun 13, 2005 18:26

"Well, it turns out, I'm a Stars Wars fan. Yes, I know, I was rather shocked as well. Though that does explain why my home looks a bit like Coruscant."

Well okay, he actually only said the first sentence, but come on, "as it turns out..." Like that's shocking. Especially since you just said that you gave someone on E-bay a negative rating because the STAR WARS action figures they sent were missing decals.

Have you guys heard about the Iraqi PSA's? Yeah, they are absurd. "Citizens, please don't kill doctors. You may need one some day." And then this other one about the kidnappings is absolutely batshit. So it starts out with these "Insurgents" kidnapping a doctor and one of them gets shot in the process. They beg the doctor to heal him, he does, they all hug, he's released, and they all live happily fucking after. I am going to give this a big WTF IRAQ? WTF? Okay, I get it. You want the killings and kidnappings to stop. We all do. Your ad campaign? Not going to be very successful. Wanna know why? Because your kidnappers, yeah they don't really care. Letting the good doctors go is not an option for them, they have superiors to answer to. I can't imagine that would go over very well.

Superior guy: "Where is the prisoner?"
Kidnapper: "We let him go."
SG: "WTF?"
K: "Well you see, he was a hoopy frood. Fixed up my shoulder after I was shot in the process of kidnapping him, so I hugged him and let him go.
SG: *blinks* *shoots kidnapper ded*(*)

So that was my wank of the week. Pffft.


(*) Typo intended. Thank you that is all

star wars, iraq

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