Ah si seulement il pouvait y avoir la même boulette chez Amazon !!!

Jul 11, 2005 12:23

Raincoast, the Canadian publisher of the Harry Potter books, today obtained a court injunction, like Bloomsbury, who publish Rowling's books in the UK. Raincoast obtained a "John/Jane Doe injunction" against the copying or disclosing of all or any part of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince or "any information derived therefrom" including without limitation the story, plot or characters, prior to 12:01 a.m. local time on July 16th.

Before this, Raincoast suffered a breach of the on-sale retail embargo date at just one location. The court ordered the return to Raincoast of any copies that have fallen into the hands of unauthorized persons owing to the breach, instructing "...anyone who has directly or indirectly received a copy or any other form of disclosure of Harry Potter #6 from John/Jane Does to deliver to the plaintiff Raincoast Books Distribution Ltd. forthwith any and all copies of Harry Potter #6 in their possession…”

Raincoast also announced that it would reward the small number of consumers who had inadvertently purchased at the store in question an early copy of the book, if they returned their copy to Raincoast immediately. Raincoast has issued a notice to the public requesting the immediate return of copies purchased early, including details of the special commemorative gift they will receive in return for their cooperation (see below the jump: Important Notice to All Harry Potter Fans). Raincoast has promised to restore any books returned to it to the relevant individuals at 12:01 a.m. local time on July 16th.
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