Jun 05, 2009 20:41
It's weird. Sometimes things seem like the end of the world, but all I gotta do is look a foot infront or behind and witness someone who's got it way worse than I do.
Right now I'm scraping for dough, it seems that when my supervisor told me I wouldn't need another job this summer because there'd be a lot of work she was totally bullshitting me. I'm at the bottom of the barrel, and she just let me know this NOW! When all the students have been out there already sucking up all the low rent jobs.
Mind you, I know it's sick and sad, but I felt a little better about my prospects while I was using the computer lab at YES employment. It was full of teenagers and early 20 somethings each with a career councelor next to them holding their hand through 'making and email attachment', 'spell-checking a cover letter', 'navigating an online job bank'. I'm thinking what the fuck, hasn't facebook taught you idiots anything. I overheard (couldn't help because she was screaming across the lab to her friend) one girl say "hey! can you got to subway, pretend you're me and ask for my resume back?" "NO!" "C'mon! Just say, hey since you guys arenway't hiring anyway can I have my resume back because it's my only copy." Iduhknow chikeypoo, but in the time it takes you to wag your narrow ass back down to subway you could just TYPE UP A NEW ONE!!!!!
Yes, job hunting is shitty, but at least I don't have to pawn my engagement ring. That REALLY sucks.