Sep 30, 2008 12:39
Looks like t-shirt season is coming to a close, I had to officially fish out my cardigan from the depths of my dresser drawyers; it was stuck at the back of my bottom drawyer, the one that has a broken drawyer resting on top of it. It's kind of like dragging up decrepit christmas decorations from the cellar in the basement.
Despite the cold I still dragged my ass out this weekend for David's birthday. I had fun, I forget how much I appreciate seeing bands live.
Ever since they started advertising that concert series they're playing at silvercity, I've been thinking about how there's this whole branch in technology geared toward replacing the need for a live performance. Many would say that it's just a way of connecting people who would normally not have the opportunity to see said band/performance were there not some sort of interface created to make it so. You could be right..
All I know is, you can't sythesize or simulate anything that matches the feeling you get nose to nose with your performer. They give you vibe that stirs you up, you give them them energy to keep them going. It's discourse, an experience, sure you can like what you see on the screen but it's another thing to be right there and part of it.