My pointless convo with Dennise about Mrs. Douyon and my forgetfulness. LOL. I thought it was funny but then again I'm a retard
PreTTyLiLDork06 (9:51:48 PM): u never told me wut she did. . . stomping?
GiGGles31501 (9:53:08 PM): omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u know how she does that crazy ass thing of searching the room for an answer in her head? yah well she's moved from that, searching for that damn answer by looking t you, the floor, the frikin door, isnt enough nemore, she's aging, so now she stomps the floor with her feet like a horse on crack until she gets it...................i aklmost died from holding it in
PreTTyLiLDork06 (9:53:33 PM): hekjfhdsnfjhdbfHKGSDks
PreTTyLiLDork06 (9:53:38 PM): omg i would have DIED
GiGGles31501 (9:54:09 PM): lol!!!!!!!!!!! STACIE we'd fail that class if we had the same period, shit she'd open herm outh and id alredy be laughing
GiGGles31501 (9:54:23 PM): while u were o nthe floor
PreTTyLiLDork06 (9:54:33 PM): yesterday she was talking about farmers and she goes "farmers grow their own food and clothes" and i started CRACKING up. and she thought i was laughing with her but i was laughing at her
PreTTyLiLDork06 (9:54:38 PM): OMG we'd fail
GiGGles31501 (9:55:16 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it when she thinks ur lauhging with her, it's awesome, that way we can laugh all we want lol, and she won't know the differencfe.......
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:02:10 PM): OMG OMG OMG
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:02:14 PM): WANNA LAUGH?!!?!?!
GiGGles31501 (10:02:19 PM): duh!!!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:02:32 PM): i tried to show this to other ppl and they think im stupid but i know u'll appreciate it
GiGGles31501 (10:02:35 PM): this better be good, using cas and all
GiGGles31501 (10:02:43 PM): caps*
GiGGles31501 (10:03:05 PM): lol this must be stupid when u have to bring it to my attention
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:05 PM): it is
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:14 PM): i think its freaking F-U-N-N-Y
GiGGles31501 (10:03:22 PM): lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GiGGles31501 (10:03:24 PM): those r the best
GiGGles31501 (10:03:32 PM): cross-eyed lion
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:37 PM): ROFL!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:38 PM): OMG
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:39 PM): DUDE
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:43 PM): that was awesome
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:03:51 PM): how is that we're passing?
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:04:01 PM): ok start here: (10:04:49 PM): loli don't know but it's awesome, the way i see it, we're so damn smart, that we can laugh all class and stil;l get the grades lol
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:05:23 PM): LMAO. i like that point-of-view
GiGGles31501 (10:05:50 PM): we believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GiGGles31501 (10:05:53 PM): omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:05:55 PM): LMAO
GiGGles31501 (10:05:56 PM): ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
GiGGles31501 (10:05:59 PM): ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
GiGGles31501 (10:06:03 PM): i want a pet like that
GiGGles31501 (10:06:09 PM): dude
GiGGles31501 (10:06:10 PM): the funny part is
GiGGles31501 (10:06:16 PM): u alred showed me this!!!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:40 PM): BULLSHIT
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:45 PM): I DID?!?!!?!?
GiGGles31501 (10:06:45 PM): yeas!!!!!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:47 PM): O
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:48 PM): M
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:48 PM): G
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:53 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PreTTyLiLDork06 (10:06:57 PM): IM SO STUPID
GiGGles31501 (10:07:07 PM): ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
GiGGles31501 (10:07:08 PM): lol
GiGGles31501 (10:07:11 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GiGGles31501 (10:07:55 PM): omg, dude ur awesome, u 4got u sowed me alredy