The FULL Story about Chip and my reaction

Feb 05, 2007 13:14

Brief Backstory: Chip is MY cat's baby brother that we caught and rescued from Albert's apartment. We tried to find him a home, since we can only have 2 pets due to HOA rules. Though we loved him very much and wanted to keep him, we could not trust my family to not blab to the HOA about breaking the rules. Kamie agreed to take him where she PROMISED me that she would take care of him and NOT give him away.

She took him, I cried like hell for a while, but her family loved him and accepted him. She found out when he was being fixed that he had Feline Leukemia and nearly died during the operation. As it was explained, the whole litter was likely born with it. He has a few tumors and will not live but a few years. She assured me that he would still be loved and have a happy life.

Currently: Kamie has blocked me out of her LJ, I cannot post her original posts but, I log in and find 2 posts regarding Chip.

Post #1 paraphrase: Chip is not using his litterbox, and this is not acceptable.

(NO mention of how long this has been going on and NO mention that he'd already been to the vet...even after OTHER friends had asked if he had been taken.)

Post #2 paraphrase: Chip has a new home with this nice "crazy cat lady" who already has 10 cats of her own and is OK w/ his health problems.

(NO mention that she fosters cats and works with the humane society...Just that she has 10 cats. I find it hard enough w/ 2 cats of my own, 10 cats in a single household is unfathomable. BUT this woman OBVIOUSLY has help if she is approved to foster and works w/ adoption groups)

My comment to Post #2:---keeping in mind my attachment to this cat, and what information I have, and yes, I was really emo when I wrote this, and crying over the 2nd post---
It was bad enough to find out about him having feline Leukemia, but now you give him away to some woman w/ 10 other cats! I wanted him to go to a home where he'd be taken care of and given attention for the few years he may have. Do you even think this woman can even afford medical care for 10 cats? That's a health code violation where she'll prolly find him dead in a corner somewhere, if she even notices him.

If he's peeing on the floor, take him to the vet, don't just give him away where if there's something really wrong w/ him he'll just suffer. I trusted you to take care of him and you just give him away.

Kamie's reply: And no, I did not give him feline Leukemia. He had that before he came to our home thank you very much.

(I NEVER said this! All that was said was, "It was bad enough to find out about him having feline Leukemia".)

Kamie's PUBLIC explanation for the whole thing after blocking me from being able to post ANY response AND blocking me on AIM.:
Making this public for Paige and Albert,

Chip went to live with Ms Canabaugh down the street because he kept peeing and pooping on the floor MANY, MANY times. First thing I did was take him to the vet. I have tried putting multiple litter boxes around the house. But there are only so many places you can put them when you have 2 small kids running around. Sorry but Cat Poop with a nice glass of Cat Piss are NOT what's for dinner.

Also, contrary to your beliefs, I did not give him feline Leukemia. Sorry but I do not have syringes of the shit sitting around the house. He had that before he came to our home thank you very much. Thankfully Spaz has already been vaccinated.

I am not some evil person who has just dumped your precious cat. Infact, that is quite the opposite. But think of me what you will.

Ms Canabaugh is a very sweet woman. She has rescued numerous cats for the local rescue group. She is a foster parent for cats and gets a lot of visits from humane societies since they do drop rescue drop offs to her house. Her home is very clean. He will get the care he needs. The other cats there are also vaccinated against feline leukemia.

It is not like I had him put down or that I just drove up to an empty parking lot and just let him go. I thought I did the right and responsible thing here. In your mind, obviously, I did not.

Sorry, this was a health and sanitation issue. If you are going to hate me forever for it, fine. Do so. I wash my hands of this. I could have just not told you but meh....whatever.
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