Saiyuki drabble (not by me)

Jan 09, 2007 16:13


just found this drabble and it confirms how i feel about Saiyuki...which reminds me, i finally finished the last 4 discs of the first series the other night...oh, Homura...i hate it when this shit happens to Goku, it's like the Snowdrop arc in the manga, argh, makes me tear up thinking about it...and the panels with the bird...shit. 'nuff now.

damn, just called Borders and they don't have Reload #6 in yet *grrrr*...which is probably a good thing, seeing the amount of moolah i've spent in the last two weeks on manga *reminds self to post list of everything i bought later*

what exactly is meta anyway? you know, just so's i'm clear and all...

i think i'm done with the rambly (is that even a word? i know, i know, rambling) post...

daily, recs, manga, saiyuki

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