sophomore/junior year
impeding traffic
1,119 words // pg-13 // gen
hs_bingo - sports tryouts]
Brendon shifts from one foot to the other, impatient. a gentleman always pays
894 words // pg-13 // spencer/haley
hs_bingo - first date]
'Brendon,' Ryan hisses, pulling him back into the booth. oh baby, baby
931 words // pg // gen
hs_bingo - class: sex education/health]
The lights come on and Spencer blinks, startled by the sudden brightness. get it together
983 words // pg // gen
hs_bingo - celebrity/famous student]
[a/n: pretty sure this is another instance of changing ages to suit my own purposes. enjoy!]
Spencer's being pissy. rest where it will
1,206 words // pg-13 // ryan/tarah
hs_bingo - prom night]
It's still dark, but the horizon is growing lighter when Ryan tumbles through the window.