meme! (it's been so long since I've done one, sadness)

Dec 08, 2010 10:47

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2010 (not including memes of course). Post the first line/sentence of it in your journal, and that's your "Year in Review".

January: i should be writing. obviously. // man, i only posted four fics in 2009, but i'm extremely happy with the quality of each one of those.

February: green and blue. // so i just re-read airgiodslv's Behind the Sea (alternate universe version) and continue to be both insanely jealous and amazingly awed.

March: writing progress: february // 1910 of 16242 [meter]

April: travie mccoy, your face. // [link to vid]

May: Monday morning brought to you by.... // We can dance, we can dance down to nothing [more empires lyrics]

June: and now, a concert. // Okay, soon.

July: you guys, oatmeal cream pies. // I love Brendon and Shane and all they choose to be and especially who they chose to be friends with. Stellar.

August: So, yeah. TV. // I am now addicted to this silly show on ABC called The Gates. Werewolves, vampires, succubi, oh my!

September: too bad I'm not going to get any writing done tonight.... // But I hit 14+K in August, a personal best for me!

October: go jon & cassie! // Apparently, Jon Walker is engaged!

November: oh hey look! // Posting has started over at werewolfbigbang, you should check it out! It's multi-fandom, so I bet you can find something you like. :D

December: fic: call it a day [brendon/jon] // hc_bingo prompt #3 obviously 2010 was about writing and music, lol. Glad to see things didn't really change much.

ganked from slashxmistress


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