drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs

Nov 08, 2010 20:13

....and unfortunately this is not a post about My Chemical Romance (or how their album comes out in 14 days), but instead, about the fact that I am now the Queen of Antibiotics.


I've been having weird breathing issues for about 3-4 months - I laugh too hard, my chest twists like it's trying to implode itself and I weeze for 4 hours; I breath too deep, more of the same. And the last two weeks I've been nothing but tired, all day long. So I finally went to the doctor last week and got some antibiotics and samples of Singulair.

Around Thursday or so of last week, my eye starting getting really bloodshot around a couple spots on my iris. No biggie, it didn't hurt or itch, so I visined it up and let it go for the weekend. Man, I put my contacts in this morning and both eyes make me look like I've smoked the best weed this side of...something. They still don't itch or burn and there's no discharge. But it freaked me out a little so, I went to my optometrist. My eyedrops have two antibiotics and a steroid.

I am going to be the most antibiotic-immune MF by the end of the year. :(

Please don't invent a super-virus/bacteria okay, world?

down with the sickness

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