This icon is a fair representation of how I feel

Oct 22, 2010 09:08

Happy, but exhausted.

The last ten days I joined a few others over at weekofinsanity for a 10-day, writewritewrite challenge. Basically ten days to write 50K, kind of like a really, really intense NaNo.

Seeing as how I have a day job and volleyball and softball and convention meetings and Oktoberfest volunteering sessions, I decided to set a goal of at least 10K. That's a lot for someone who has limited time to write and also does not generally write every day (like she should).

Barring the fact that underwent a server change in which I lost at least one day's worth of words (but rewrote them the next night), my final total was 12,480 words.

Man, I don't know how people write like that every day. It's harrrrrrrrrrrd (that's what she said). In a few days, after shit settles down and my werewolfbigbang has been turned in and I've finished my mix, omg, I'm going to sit down and write my feelings on the whole thing.

Short version: awesome.

As for my monthly total, it's a whopping 21,503. That's my best month so far for my getyourwordsout yearly count challenge.

I complain and complain and complain some more, but you guys, writing is really kind of awesome.

writing is fun no really

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