2008 Year in Review, Part 1

Jan 01, 2009 18:10

since my concert page is giving me shitfits, have a recap of my fic in 2008:

spiral in the springtime
jon/ryan, written for the 2007 2lineschallenge (late, yes. and setting the trend for 2008 in general)
Spencer's taken care of Ryan for so long that he doesn't really know how to turn it off.

the little engine that could
PatD gen, written for bandslash_usa
Spencer's not really listening as Brendon reads off of the brochure he picked up in the hotel lobby, but he does have sunglasses now. And Jon brought him aspirin, so he's feeling a little more human, some semblance anyway. Jon is currently his favorite.

seriously, what next?
PatD gen, written for a prompt at the request of wildestranger
Spencer should be used to this kind of thing by now.

Jon/PatD, written for a prompt at the request of imntsaying
Spencer never dreams without meaning.

hesitate, then move forward
Ryan/Girl!Spencer, inspired by a couple lines from HelloGoodbye's Two Weeks in Hawaii
most people find their friendship odd

Winter Passing
pre-gsf, written for drawn_to
summary - In which Spencer is in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong reaction. A curse is cast and years pass without reprieve, but can two strangers change a fate that a best friend couldn't?

objects in mirror (are closer than they appear)
Ryan/Girl!Spencer, written for 2lineschallenge 2008
sequel to hesitate, then move forward - Ryan hasn't said a word to Spencer in two days.

a sensation of falling
pre/eventual gsf, written for bandombigbang
summary - Spencer has grown up with Ryan, Brendon, and Jon through dreams that cross time. However, after a particularly emotional event just as he's set to enter college, Spencer withdraws, shutting his dreams and thus, his friends far away. Only time doesn't really seem to want to play Spencer's game.

in between this heartbeat and the next, a bullet (or love)
Brendon/Spencer, written for romantic_bandom - A Life Less Ordinary
Brendon's not having the best day, you know. After leaving Smith Industries, he headed over to his boyfriend's bar. Only William...well, let's just say William's a lot happier now that's he's run off with his aerobics instructor. To Miami.

Purple June
Brendon/Spencer, written for the Life Imitating Music Challenge (aaaages ago *sigh*)
He turns, walks away and doesn't look back.

Home Is... (working title)
Brendon/Jon/Spencer, written for bandom_100
Brendon needs roommates.

* a number of prompts for my flist
* a panic gsf superpowers fic
* maybe putting one of universeunfold's ideas to paper
* anything and everything to help me meet my goal for getyourwordsout

...perhaps one day i'll get my concert review in order *sigh*

2008, year end review

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