Year in Review, Part III

Jan 07, 2008 14:12

Part I - The Music or the Misery (mostly, just the music)
Part II - Bandom & My Flist (or, Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Stalking Other People's LiveJournals)

Part III - OMG, Shailaja wrote fic! (or, Spencersmith Shut Your Fuckin' Face Before I Sit On, wait what?)

and now we come to the final (and shortest) portion of our year-end review: My Fic

it should be noted that although this list is short, it is, in fact, more than i've written since i was probably in high school. (okay, barring that epic 1x2x5 that takes up one and a half notebooks, ohgod.)

without further ado and in the order they were written....

spencer/jon - we_are_cities prompt
It's become, he thought, hard to remember what it was like before Jon. As if Brent was part of a dream - blurred around the edges until you woke up and the image in your head disappeared completely.
NOTE: my first foray into bandslash. and omg, i nearly threw up right after i posted it. silly me.

light and air
ryan/spencer - we_are_cities prompt, inspired by chopsticknoodle's Life's A Song
The first time Ryan sees Spencer after two years, he almost turns right back around. There’s too much there - too many emotions that fall through him, choke around his heart, his stomach, his throat.
NOTE: geez, just go read marianna's fic.

A Romance in Five Scenes
jon/brendon - selfish meme prompt for seanarenay
It's twenty-three minutes later (Jon checks) when they get kicked out of the library. Brendon tells him not to worry, it happens, like, all the time, and they always let him back in.
NOTE: i cannot lie, the library scene? totally my favorite, totally. okay, that and jon in the restaurant.

a new way to move
spencer/haley/brendon - disarm_d's pornothon prompt
Spencer makes this noise, one that Haley's never heard before, so she twists her fingers again, feels them slide against Brendon's. And this time Spencer keens. A scrape of nails across his inner thigh (so pale) makes his hips jerk, and their fingers slide deeper.
NOTE: i make no bones about the fact that i find haley incredibly attractive. gnar. plus spencer. making noises.

panic! at the beanstalk (or, ryan ross is a pretty, pretty girl)
jon/brendon/spencer - band_princesses challenge fic
spencer pretends it didn't happen (he's actually pretty good at that, you know? this adventure is totally not happening according to his amazing ability to pretend shit doesn't exist).
NOTE: this one? just incredibly fun to write. i can't help that i love bitchy!spencer. and ryan in a dress.

gerard/brendon (seriously!) - selfish meme prompt for fallingfortruth
"You do realize that you'll have to be still, absolutely still for fairly long periods of time?" Gerard's not really sure why he's even giving the kid a chance, but there's something there. It kind of surprises them both when Brendon actually pulls it off.
NOTE: OHGOD. i was trying and trying to get my head in a space to write this prompt given to me by kitty, and it was killing i started to listen to Brand New's The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. and voila!

last call
spencer/ryan, ryan/keltie - quettaser's book title prompt
Not that Spencer could blame her, Ryan had always been trying just as hard to break her.
NOTE: um, more spencer/ryan? of which i am hugely enamored?

silence is a five letter word
It's still too quiet for Spencer, but maybe it's something they can work on.
NOTE: this really, really wants to be a chaptered fic in my head. except for the part where brendon's characterization is probably completely off now, ahahahaha

the breath and the sound
spencer/ryan - birthday trade-off prompt with spleenjournal
They've been friends for fifteen years and there are still parts that Ryan keeps to himself.
NOTE: omg. formatting this piece? total bitch. but completely worth it, imho.

A Stitch In Time
spencer/various - bandslashmania's Turning Tricks or Treats challenge
Spencer watches as his best friend goes through the same routine as he did the day before. He says the same words, eats the same meal, mocks Ryan's effeminate ways (come on, that's never going to get old) while trying to wrap his head around what seems to be happening to him.
NOTE: this fic is probably my favorite (along with countdown). i had about 5-600 words done for about 3 weeks and then halloween came. i sat and typed this fic out from around 630/7 and it was 11:59 when i posted that sucker. deadlines? i laugh at you!*

no line you can't step right over
spencer/ryan - technically for disarm_d's pornothon (ahahahaha)
Ryan's got him pressed up against the wall and Spencer has no idea how they got there. But he can feel every line of Ryan's body against his, every breath, every movement - the rigid line of Ryan's cock against his hip.
NOTE: i don't know about the rest of you, but coming up with titles is often harder than the fic itself. so i was sitting there waiting to post this little bit, searching my brain frantically for something, listening to Gomez' How We Operate when that particular line was sung. It was a total, A HA! moment.

*except not. since i still have my FIM, 2lines, & bandslash_usa fics left to complete. *headdesk*

fic, year end review

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