"You may not believe, but I am living proof. Open up your heart, and love will find you, too."

May 22, 2007 12:06

Athens trip 2007 365
Originally uploaded by PrettyKateMachine. I have so much to say amd no time, which is how I open every LJ entry, but this time it's the truth. I'll make a long detailed post as soon as I can, but I want you guys to know something NOW.

Matt surprised me this weekend. We didn't go to London, we went to Athens. I have wanted to go to Greece my entire life, and one of the reasons why I was so upset about the tax issues, was that I really thought saving up for a trip was impossible and that I might never go. But he surprised me in the Heathrow airport and told me that we we weren't picking up our bags, we were connecting to Athens. I cried a river, but that was just the beginning.

On saturday night, Matt had planned a drive down to the Temple of Posidon, "because [ I ] love the ocean so much", and because that is apprently THE place to see a sunset on the mainland. I mean, they built a temple there a long time ago, it must have great views, right? Matt was so enthused about the sunset idea that he had hired a car to take us there and planned it out before we left the states. There is a resturant at the foot of the cliff/hill where the temple ruins are located, we were going to go there after we watched the sunset and have a romantic dinner. It sounded like such a romantic, wonderful night. I was really excited, and upset when my hair dryer wouldn't work in the outlets. I wanted to look really good.

It was raining at the temple. I was soaking wet and freezing in my little yellow dress, but this sunset idea seemed so important to Matt, so I decided to suck it up and wait out there as long as I could. A bunch of Italian tourists came and went, the wind was really blowing, the sky was really cloudy and a sunset seemed like it just wasn't happening, so eventually I asked Matt if we could go to the resturant down the hill, have a drink, and wait until the sun started setting and then run back up. I thought he was crazy, but I didn't want to push him out of this sunset idea because it was so romantic and I'm so lucky to be with someone so romantic.

Matt asked if he could take a picture of us before we left. i said OK, and he bent down and rummaged through his bag for the camera. I tuned out and looked at the ruins. Matt held my hand, he starting kissing me. "Kate, I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I started misting up and kissing him, that was such a nice thing to say! Matt says wonderful things like that all the time, so I didn't realize what was happening until he bent down and opened the ring box. Then I started sobbing uncontrollably and shaking violently. Matt put the ring on my finger. I dropped the umbrella off of our heads. The wind and the rain swirled around us as I cried and we kissed and grabbed each other so tight. Makeup stung my eyes and Matt's beard stubble scratched my face as I mashed our faces together and sobbed.

I've never known I could be this happy, and I've been pretty happy. The whole thing felt like a movie or a novel, and instead of being the quirky sidekick, I got to be the romantic lead. I really can't believe what an amazing man Matt is. I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with him, and maybe have children with him one day, and that my Dad and Mom and sisters are as happy for me as can be, and that we really are going to be a family. I can't believe this. I cry a little everytime someone says "congrats" and guys, EVERYONE is being so awesome and saying congrats!



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