About once a month I check up on the sitaution in Juarez. Today I saw an article about a woman who was set on fire, (
that is now missing, of course) but I also saw an artcle about how Hollywood is "
Joining the search for answers." VOMIT. Thank goodness for Hollywood! Now something will really get done!
Do you guys know HOW Hollywood is searching for answers?! I'll tell you! They are making
AN ACTION-ADVENTURE THRILLER STARRING JENNIFER LOPEZ! Again, an action adventure film starring Jennifer Lopez... and Antonio Banderas.
Man. Is any press on this situtaion a good one? Everytime I
mention the murders in Juarez somebody comments and says "Whoa! I didn't know that happened!" 400 PEOPLE AND NOBODY EVER KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED!
So I have doubt that the JLO action film is going to treat the subject matter properly. But maybe I shouldn't worry, because there is also "
The Virgin of Juarez". In this film, Minnie Driver uncovers the amazing story of "The Virgin Of Juarez," a survivor of an attack who has developed stigmata, a sign of holiness, and whose followers will do whatever she asks. (From