I had a good holiday. It was the first independance day that I have not worked in three years. I did the whole "metro from Vienna to Greenbelt" thing Tuesday evening, which was quite nice. Lot's of knitting was done. Though they didn't have the AC on on the Orange, and it was HOT.
The visit with John's family was fun as always, I had a nice long visit with his sis when we took a road trip in their old Volvo all the way to Manassas Battlefield for the "Conservative Soiree". *gag* I nearly threw something at this one guy who basically said that 1. We have a "God-given right"to choose who taxes us. Uhhmm, did I miss that passage? 'Cause seriously, all I remember is Jesus saying "render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's". Maybe it's a secret passage that you can only read with the SUPER SECRET SPECIAL GWB EDITION SCRIPTURE DECODER PEN. If not, well then just LEAVE GOD OUT OF IT. God doesn't give you the right to anything. The fact that you're even alive is a gift from God, not a right. 2. International Human Rights Treaties are useless encroachments upon our government and therefore are evil and must be stopped. Oh NO! Rights for women, children and the disenfranchised in society? RUN RUN FOR YOUR WALLETS! SUPPORT THE LOBBY AGAINST
Aside from the morons, I had a good time getting to know his sis and a friend of theirs from church. We went to Ikea (Oh that oversized haven of cheap aesthetically appealing stuff, how I love it!) and I bought a few things for the house. Then we hung out for a bit, Pappa John grilled some great burgers, then a bunch of the young people headed to DC to see the fireworks. We got there just in time to get a rad seat (patch of grass) near the mall (yet away from most of the gathering hoarde) and the fireworks began. It was even better than last year. They felt like they were coming straight at us, it was great! afterwards we made a detour to a bar to grab a refreshing beer and allow the bulk of the horde to rush the Metro. We then casually sauntered back to the train, motored on up to CP, and John and I left shortly thereafter. I got home at 1am and crashed. I was exausted. It was a good day that felt like a mid-week weekend. (an awesome feeling btw) Now it's Thursday, but it feels like Monday.
Today I ordered flowers for the wedding (
30 white tulips,
10 peach spray roses, 10 white spray roses, 25 peach lon-stem roses) and next week I'm going to buy some roses and practice my DIY bouquet. I'M EXCITED YOU GUYS!! JUST 16 MORE DAYS! I've really got to loose those 4 inches. gah. going running tonight for sure.
*FGM =
Female Genital Mutilation Seven Quirks: a meme courtesy of
sternengel 1. Ever since I can remember, I have had to sleep on my side with my arm crooked up under my pillow, directly beneath my head. I can fall asleep briefly in a different position, but I cannot sleep the whole night without pulling my arm up over my head. Doesn't matter what pillow I use, or how many.
2. For the past five years I have had my cellphone on. I charge it every night but don't turn it off, it never runs out of battery, I never forget it, I never turn it off. On the RARE (maybe five times) occasion that it has not been fully operational and on/near my person, I FREAK OUT.
3. When I was in HS, I used to carry a notebook with me everywhere I went. I would write poems, quotes I liked, story ideas, and nasty commentary on people I didn't like.
4. If I'm alone, I'll pick up pennies up off the ground and never, ever step on a crack in the sidewalk.
5. When I was four or five I ran away from home. My mom yelled at me and hurt my feelings, so I packed my pink my little pony suitcase with my blankie and doll, put on my raincoat and I walked about 150 yds away from the house while it was pouring down rain. I didn't really wan to leave, I just wanted my mom to come after me and tell me she loved me. I went back sat on the patio and waited about 15 minutes to see if she would come out, and she never did. I decided she didn't love me anymore, so I went back inside. She was taking a nap. So I crawled into bed with her and took a nap too. :)
6. I flirted with my Chem professor and my STAT professor (both gentlemen in their 60s) and passed both classes in a 'C' even though I failed every exam and my homework was always wrong.
7. The labels on my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash must all face the same direction and be put in the exact same place.