Jul 27, 2006 16:49
Rise Against and Thursday in Worchester on Nov. 18. OH MY GOD.
Except I'm really fucking afraid that AcDec regionals will be that day. What if they are? What am I going to do??? They CANT be the same day. It potentially fucks up my year. Because seeing RA and Thursday will make my year. Seriously make my year. Ah I am so freaked out right now. I should probably just plan on the show being that day and ask my parents and everything. If AcDec is that day, Mr. G will just have to deal with it. Unless it's at a school near by, I'm gonna have to miss regionals if I want to get out Worchester in time. That is, if my parents let me go (which they should, cuz I wanna go with a friend, not by myself).
Grah this is so fucked up.