Hey guys,
How is everyone? I am doing pretty well I geuss. Last week there was a shooting attack on a roadblock near Schem. I was there, it's my base. My base is on this hill, and then you walk down and there are a bunch of roadblocks. One side is to go into Schem (I think Nabulus) and the other side is to go to Netanya (Israel). So since my unit is doing a lot of fighting in Nabulus now, it's cheaper to be at a base that is closer to the area instead of travelling all the time from the regular base to wherever they need to be. Anyway, so there is this roadblock, and you there were a bunch of cars waiting to get into Israel, and since the elections were going on at that time, then Israel made a pact with the Palestinians that they would have less security on roadblocks so people could go in and out for the elections. So there were 2 Palestinians who were dressed up in army gear with a helmet and a "shacpatz" umm...the things the police and people were to guard you from bullets. (My fucken English is going down the drain dude) So all of a sudden they started shooting at the cars. In one of the cars there was a soldier, and 3 other civilians. The soldier was from the paratroopers and he got killed, the rest were injured, and one of them was in critical condition but he's ok now. The people who did it were an orginazation, I don't know the name in English but they are an orginazation that has no Israeli intellegence on them, so no one knew this was going o happen. Usually when there is a bombing or an attack, the army knows more or less if/when/where it's going to happen, and they try to stop it in time. Whatever, they didn't know and I was there and it sucked, and I hate the army and I can't wait until I get out.
My mom and baby brother were here for 2 weeks at the end of December. Here are some pictures of me and Neavie when we went to the Zoo near my house:
He's not really a baby anymore, he's 6. But he will always be my baby...fuck I miss them insanely.
My mom's birthday was one of the days she was here, so we went to the beach and hung out and ate, and had a nice day getting tan in the cold weather!!
My baby is WAY cuter than anyone you know...I PROMISE!!
And on the kibbutz I live in, I have an adoptive family. They are the nicest people in the world, and I seriously don't even think of them as adoptive, they are amazing. This is me and my ima. (mom)