Jan 11, 2003 00:48
TWhoever likes me, or just thinks I'm a nice girl, or just your a nice person and you want to help me out, I am trying to think of a new screename. Two that are in my head right now are: 2gether4never and alwaysn4never. Lame I know, that is why I need your assistance. My plea to you, is that you make me a poll with the following:
*Which do you like better?
*Do you have any other ideas.
That's all I ask. PRETTY PLEASE!!! If I had a paid account I would obviously do it. Or the other option could be: you buy me, my very OWN paid account!!! That would just be swell. Well either of the options would be.
Also I am in the market for new friends. Real life and fantasy live journal life. Apply within.