Apr 29, 2009 12:28
So I've been a pretty busy bee all morning! I woke up a little after 8 and was able to start my laundry a little after 9. While I was waiting on my clothes, I dropped off rent to Meadow Park, sold back some old books to the bookstore, and went to Starbucks. When I got home I got my clothes out of the dryer, emptied the dishwasher from last night and loaded up the rest of the dirty dishes, scrubbed down the kitchen top to bottom (cleaned out the fridge, wiped down the stove and countertops, dry mopped, wet mopped, etc.), vacuumed the living room, and took out all the trash. *Phew* I feel so much better now that the apartment is clean and I know I don't have to come back from vacation and do all this next week. And tomorrow's to-do list now only involves a)cleaning Chloe's cage and b)packing for vacation, and then I can head up to Indy! Woot.
In other news, selling back my books was a tad disappointing. I always expect to get screwed and I figured I might even more so since I've been out of school for a while, but I guess I still hoped I might get a decent amount since my books were in *perfect* condition. Good thing I kept my expectations low because I only walked away with about $65 for probably 15-20 books. But I'm trying to look at it like this - all they were doing was collecting dust and cluttering up my space. At least now I don't have to move them and I did get a little cash in my pocket in return. *Shrug* On the plus side, I decided to burn a little bit of my newfound cash on a frappucino on the way home and the lady in front of me in the drive-through randomly paid for my drink! I don't know who she was or why, but when I got to the window the barista told me she'd paid for my drink and to have a nice day. I think my reaction was a little too "Srsly?" but I only protested once before I decided to just accept it as a nice gesture and be on my way. So maybe somewhere the universe felt bad about me getting screwed on my books too. :)
So yeah, soon I'll be heading to work for the last day of my 8-day marathon and then tomorrow I leave for Indy and Friday is Disney! Adam and I will be there until late Tuesday evening and then next Wednesday when I'm back I will try to post again with pictures, itinerary, etc. But in the meantime I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and a lovely weekend!