*Waves* Hi, I'm still alive, I promise. I can't believe it's been over a week since I last updated. I realized that when I made my twitter feed friends-only, that stopped it from updating on here, as well. But I'm here, I swear, I've just been busy up until yesterday and today. With what, you ask?
- Last weekend Adam and I went up to Ft Wayne to visit his friend Ryan and his wife Erin. We hadn't really since them since their wedding in October and I had barely even met them before that, so it was a fun time just hanging out and getting to know them. The boys hibernated and played video games together for most of the weekend, while Erin and I went shopping and just bonded. She and I get along well and agree that we are most alike of all the wives/girlfriends in their circle. Adam and I are sort of busy the next few weeks but as soon as we have a free weekend again, we'll probably give them a call and invite them down to Noblesville.
- Another exciting piece of news from last weekend is that Adam and I bought plane tickets to Orlando! Yep, we're officially going to Disney World! We picked the first weekend in May (for Adam's birthday, and also a pre- 1 year anniversary treat), so we'll be down there for 5 days and 4 nights. And this morning Melissa helped us score a sweet discount on a hotel room (we'll be staying at the
All-Star Sports value resort), so that's taken care of too. Next step is making lunch/dinner reservations at one or two of the nicer restaurants (which has to be done 90 days in advance), and once those are in place, most of the major pre-planning will be done. I'm SO EXCITED. :)
- Not much to speak of with work. Things have calmed down considerably since the holidays and the mini back-to-school rush are over. I'm back to my "normal" schedule of being mostly set during the week and then rotating on weekends. Mainly it's nice to a)not be closing every single night and b)have some ability to predict when I'll be working and when I won't be.
- Next weekend Adam and I are going home to visit my parents! I can't wait for them to meet him and for him to see where I grew up and all that. It's hard to believe it, but he will actually be the first person I've met since I moved to Indiana that will be coming home with me and seeing the fine city of Pittsburgh, so it's even more special to me that I get to show off my hometown for the first time. :)
- Three weeks from now, assuming the weather is okay, Adam and I are going skiing at
Paoli Peaks. They have a midnight ski special where you go later in the evening (I think after 8?) and it's half price for admission, lift tickets, equipment rental, etc. and he loves it because it's a lot less crowded. That same weekend, we're gonna visit his parents and sister for his niece's first birthday. :)
And, that's about it, I suppose. It's cold outside. Definitely not as cold as some places, but enough I feel justified hibernating all day. I do have to close at work tonight, but I'm cutting some overtime so it'll be a shorter day, at least. Tomorrow I open at work and then Adam will be here! Yay! For now I'm off to go scrounge up some lunch and maybe read for a while. What's everyone else up to?