Sep 27, 2005 14:15
So i am not at school today. In fact today quite possibly could have been on of the scaries mornings in my whole life. Well here is how it goes. I woke up this morning with a lower abdomin i was getting ready to get in the shower it was getting worse and worse to the point that i was sobbing. I was in a lot and i mean A LOT of pain. So my mom drove me to the Emergency Room where they did all kinds of test's on me. They took a blood test, a throat test(since i have a sore throat), a Mono test since i was exposed to it and i am now also getting sick(just a check though..i doubt i have it!) and then they took a Ultrasound to see what it was. They determined that i had a cyst on one of my ovaries and it exploded which causes fluid to go all through your abdomin. And its very painful. So i am now at home sitting doing nothing other that sleeping and doing stuff on the computer. I need to work on this project that is due tomorrow for Government so i think i will do that doesnt require me to move very much!!! Thats good! I think i am going to try and go to rehearsal tonight. I dont really want to stay at home and do maybe my mom will let me! Thats all! Oh and the doctors gave me Motrin and Tylenol #3 which has Codine in it! So that should help me with the pain!