i feel icky right now, i havent felt good since yesterday, but anywho. i felt like doing something with this today.
so yesterday kate was over... and we were having funn with the digi camera
and then i went to laurens dance recital, so i have some pics at big boy too
here they are:
my kitty was on the TV, he wasnt supposed to be
Me... what a crappy picture
the humming bird feeder
my tree, i still cant figure out which one tho
the watter thing. i must say kate... its a pretty cool pic
we were watching Will & Grace (thats karen in case you were wondering
me again, watching will and grace
kate's pants
kates toes
my sandals (there really pink)
me ...
my toes
kates purse ( i love that purse)
self explanitory
we went there for breakfast... its a napkin
if anyone can tell me what a mofo is... that would be great
kate made it... i dont understand it though
i made this one, hehe i like
kate made this one
same with this
peom i wrote ... long time ago
kate - i love her
phrase i made. nifty aint it
that would be my hair
the magnetic poetry board
kates pillow
i made it... and i agree
kailey- laurens cousin
sara quinn, lauren, me, kaily, jennifer, and kaileys sister (i think her names rachel)
sara lauren and me
kailey jennifer and ?rachel?