Apr 16, 2005 18:07
so this past week was pretty boring but now its VACATION!!!!! finally i need a break
well i got into national honor society so thats cool i guess. but im kinda glad cause if i did all that work and didnt get in id be kinda bummed. my school is seriously the only school who has to fill out all of these forms with all of our work experience, community service, extra curricular activities, clubs etc. and we had to write essays on our leadership qualities, our character, and other stupid stuff.
thursday i went to the doctors for the usualy yearly check up. i got a tetanus shot :-( it didnt hurt when i got it but now it hurts A LOT, poo. and then i had to get 7 vials of blood taken...yucky. ive never had blood taken before so i was scurred. but it wasnt that bad i guess.
yesterday i went to abby's tennis match. i saw lyndsay and talked to her for a while i havent seen that girl in forever! craziness. but abby did amazing in her "ghost match" ;-) then abby and i went back to her house and then we got hungry so we went to McDonalds and got food off the dollar menu and then we went to vitit rachel at her brothers lacross game. then abby and i went back to her house and we just chilled listened to music, watched tv, and talked for the rest of the night (yes we did all three at once...we are amazing multitaskers) so yea that was a lot of fun. yay for abby!
so today everyone is either grounded or working or doing something else so i suppose im just gonna stay at home tonight. itll give me a chance to rest i suppose. im bored tho...which is why im writing this boring entry i guess...
danni left today :-(
ill miss you my dear